Monday, March 29, 2010

Photos have a dull grayish cast after I...

After I view or work on my photos in Lightroom and export them back to my hard drive, they taks on a dull grey cast with dark pale like colors. Strangely enough, they look very good in Lightroom and with the Windows viewer. However they look greyish with Picassa, Bridge, Gimp, and if sent with Outlook. I take my pictures with JPEG fine, large. I have a Nikon DSLR. Thanks
Photos have a dull grayish cast after I...
What color space are you exporting to?
Photos have a dull grayish cast after I...
Thanks, I tried them all and found that sRPG works fine.


I think you have some color management 'issues' if they only look correct when exported in sRGB.

I am having the same problem!!!

Looks fine in my mac preview, but DULL in Photohop!!


Check your ''Color Settings...'' in Photoshop. Are you preserving embedded profiles? Are all profile-mismatch dialogs enabled?

thanks for your comments BOB!

thinking it is an icc profile problem. A few days ago, I ran the 'Profile First Aid in Color Sync'.

Did a verify and repair. (was trying to get another problem fixed).

Think that may have buggered up everything!

Wondering if I should grab icc's from library on other mac and throw them on to MacPro.

I have all running fine in same exact senario on my MacBookPro, but not with MacPro. All same settings...must be a profile icc thing...???

ok so that didn't work.

doing an archive and install on the os....


Found the error!

Was the way I was profiling my monitor. I use ColorEyes Display Pro. The blackpoint was set to 'relative' instead of 'absolute' when I was runnig the calibration.

Miv Photography

I am having the same problem with the ''dull grayish cast''. Blacks look great in Lightroom, perfect contrast, ect. I export the file using 8 bit, Adobe 98. When the image opens in PS3, it looks flat compared with the lightroom version. My monitor is calibrated and profiled with pro software and hardware, and all of my PS3 color settings are set correctly. Any advise?


which software are you calibrating monitor with?


Sabin, I assume you mean PsCS3, not Photoshop 3. Otherwise, I'd advise you to upgrade, since you would be about a decade out of date.

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