Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lightroom and CS3 Simultaneously - How...

I've been trying to use Lightroom's image management features, but need to finish the ''keepers'' in CS3. The problem is my computer only has 2G of RAM, and both Lightroom and CS3 are giant memory hogs. Has anyone been able to successfully run both programs at the same time (with reasonably complicated PS files consisting of a dozen layers or so) ?

If so, how much memory does it take? 4G 8G?


Lightroom and CS3 Simultaneously - How...
The wording of your question seems to suggest that your setup has issues with running Lr and Ps simultaneously. Disk thrashing? Memory swapping? Slow performance? What is your machine configuration?

I have an Intel Dual 2 Core machine with 2Gb RAM and routinely run Lr (on Canon 20D raw files), Ps CS3 beta, Bridge, email client, and Firefox web client all at the same time with little issue.

And have you consulted Adobe's knowledge base for performance tips? (Win) (Mac) (Lr)
Lightroom and CS3 Simultaneously - How...
I use LR and CS2 with only 2GB of ram on WinXP. I rarely go above 5 layers and I have to restart both once in a while as neither seems to unleash memory very well.

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