Sunday, March 28, 2010

How NOT to start LR when inserting a...

Every time I stick a flashcard in my USB port, LR loads. I have checked ''Do Nothing'' in the auto import parameters *and* do not have ''Enable Auto Import'' checked, and yet .....

Anyone know how to disable this feature?

Thanks - Chuck B
How NOT to start LR when inserting a...
Kill Adobe Downloader.
How NOT to start LR when inserting a...
If you are on a Mac try going to Image Capture in the applications folder. Look at its preferences to see if it launches an application when ''camera connected''.

I cannot find ''Adobe Downloader'' on my system. Likewise, I use Windoze and cannot find ''Image Capture'' *even* in the help files.

Just to expand a little: auto import is not checked (this means it's disabled, right?). When I unchecked this option LR still loaded itself but it stopped initiating the photo import process.

Chuck B

Adobe Downloader is the little camera-looking icon in that bin of icons on the right side of the tool bar. Disable it.

If on Windoze as you put it go to Start %26gt; Run %26gt; type in msconfig %26gt; in the startup tab disable apdpoxy %26gt; system restart. All then will be well :-)

Lee - that toolbar must be the Mac toolbar. The Adobe Downloader option is not on mine.

Alan - it worked! Thanks. Now I guess it's off to the Suggestions forum to hope that they put this on the config menu instead of making us get under the hood.

Chuck B

Glad to have been of service Sir :-)


I neither have a mac, nor do I know anyone who has a mac. It's the bar with the clock in it.

Lee - I cannot find the clock or the camera-looking icons. I've got every option turned on for the Toolbar and they just ain't there (I have to hide the right and left panels in order to see all of the toolbar). I assume this is the toolbar you can toggle on and off with the ''T'' key, right? I'm using LR version 1.0.

Chuck B

NO, Windows desktop toolbar. The right end with the Clock, Windows Messenger and Volume (maybe). Click the little arrow for more if you have to. (I'm not even a PC user.)


Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D

Don's right. I was referring to the Windows taskbar. Sorry about that.

OK, so it was the taskbar. Just for fun, I restored apdpoxy in msconfig and rebooted. There is no icon for it in the taskbar, but it's back to starting LR when I insert a flashcard, so it is active. The only way to deal with it on my system (XP PRO SP2) is with msconfig.

Chuck B

The right end of the task bar holds what has been called in various versions of Windows the ''system tray'' or ''notification area''. This is the part of the bar with the clock and miscellaneous icons representing programs running in the background. Here's what it looks like:
%26lt;br /%26gt;
%26lt;a href='''' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
%26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src='''' border=''0'' /%26gt;

Michael (neat screen capture, BTW) that icon never appeared on the taskbar. I'm sure of this. However, my system does strange things on the taskbar. I don't reboot often because I keep the system up for timed recordings off the net, but when I do power down and reboot, the icons on the taskbar are not always the same. Some days I only get a few. So, sometimes running processes have no icon and sometimes they do. For instance, my Pantone Huey is always on but the icon is not, always. All I can say is that since installing LR I have not seen the Adobe Photo downloader icon.

Chuck B

Oh, well. By the way, if you click on the screenshot it will be actual size; I have no idea why the pixentral ''thumbnail'' is double sized.

It could be that the hide inactive icons feature is hiding it. One of two options may be hiding it. The first is that it is inactive and you'd need to select the blue arrow to expand the icon tray in order to see it.

The second is that one of the hide inactive icons option is to never show an icon. To see if that is the case, Right-Mouse-Button on the start button, select properties, choose the Taskbar tab, and select the Customize button at the bottom beside the Hide Inactive selection.

You'll see the list of icons in the tray and the option in effect for each.

John Gregson

John - nope, there are no hidden or inactive icons, just missing icons. If I turn all the display options on, I still get a different number of icons every time I reboot. Today Huey and a couple of others are missing. Go figure.

Chuck B

Here is an extensive write up on the problem of system tray icons disappearing. It's an obscure but known problem with Windows XP.

John Gregson

JohnG - thanks! I used one of those ideas (hiding Upnp icons)and my icons are back!

Now I can stop learning for the day - my quota has been met.

Chuck B

Thanks Alan. We were having LR launch every time we switched on the printer - a tad annoying! Fixed now.

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