Sunday, March 28, 2010

Constantly refreshing Thumbnails?

Every time I scroll a page in Grid view, all of the thumbnails refresh - agonizingly slowly. Even though I've viewed the same thumbnail a hundred times, it still takes several seconds to resolve. This is the slowest viewer I've ever seen. Am I missing something??
Constantly refreshing Thumbnails?
I shouldn't do that unless you have very little memory, or a huge number of thumbnails (thousands).
Constantly refreshing Thumbnails?
I have 2 Gigs of memory and several hundred images


I'd delete the preview file with LR closed, then open it, select a folder, and have it build previews for that.

OK, I deleted the directory and it made an improvement. Somehow, I had about 1600 files, but almost 6,000 folders in the preview directory! Still, whenever I scroll a page in grid view it re-renders each image (though much more quickly) and if I view an image in loupe view, I get the 'working' message for a few seconds, even if I have viewed the same image multiple times. This doesn't sound normal.

No, that doesn't sound right. Did you have LR render previews for everything and let that finish? (Unfortunately it doesn't tell you it's busy rendering)

I have the exact same problem. With just 20 images (d70s jpegs) it does this.If I make lightroom's window small so that 20 images spans 2 screenfulls and scroll, it happens. 3ghz %26amp; 1gb ram shouldn't do this, surely.

Also, in Library zooming is perfect, but in the develop module it is similar to this threads problem: it wants to re-render the image upon zoom, and if I zoom then pan it pixelates then takes a couple of seconds to refine the detail. Rawshooter doesn't do this, even on nefs or dngs, yet lightroom seems to want to do this on every image.

I thought my AV (nod32) was a problem (scanning temp files etc) but it happens with av disabled.

Fully updated video drivers, new xp install, fully patched/updated etc.

I've made LR re-render all the previews too yet this persists.

Yeah.... I have same problem. Fast dual core machine, 2 gigs memory, sataII system and page file drives.

This happens no matter how many images, hundreds or tens...And this is with d60 images.

I render standard size previews upon import. Yet it takes too long to completely render the preview when trying to view them in Loupe view (and this happens weather or not LR is working to render the preview to begin with??). Why is that? If i have no adjustments to a file in the develop module than LR should use the previously rendered preview to show images in grid/loupe view. And if it does need to re-render an image do to adjustments to the file in develop than once it has done this it should not have to do it again until other changes are made.

What is the purpose of the standard size preview if LR does not appear to use it much if at all?? Maybe I am missing something.

How long does it take for the images to ''clear up''? Three seconds for all of them, or 2 seconds each?

A second or two per image for me.

Okay, once it's done with that for all images, it should then take just a second or two for all the images to ''clear up'' simultaneously. Is that what you see?

I would like a bit more feedback on this. It seems to me that Lightroom does not save small thumbnails of images between sessions (unlike Photoshop Elements Organizer), but generates them on the fly, either from the RAW image or the standard size preview. Is it correct?

WHat I observe is that, in all Lightroom sessions, thumbnail generation is not immediate and seems to be very ressource intensive. It happens in multiple passes, and takes seconds per page. It make browsing in grid mode feel slow and rather frustrating. Do I miss a way some obvious way to make it so that the thumbnails do not need to be generated each time I start Lightroom (which is often, because of the well-known red ''Out of Memory'' Lightroom bug)?

Maybe 4-5 secs per screen of images to freshen up (dngs) or slightly less with jpegs.

All in the same LR session if I scroll down a 'page' of thumbnails.

Why on earth would it do this. I use Picasa also, and this is silky smooth scrolling through 10gb of images (with a thumbnail cache of ~750mb), scrolling is instant; previews and rendered so quickly and there is never an issue zooming either.

My machine (in case we have a similar hardware issue):

3.06ghz, 1gb ram, 128 graphics mem (onboard mobo), sis661 mobo, 80% empty 180gb hdd.

%26gt; It seems to me that Lightroom does not save small thumbnails of images between sessions (unlike Photoshop Elements Organizer), but generates them on the fly, either from the RAW image or the standard size preview. Is it correct?

No. But it does have to load them from individual files and the process could be more efficient.

%26gt; Me: It seems to me that Lightroom generates thumbnails on the fly, either from the RAW image or the standard size preview. Is it correct?

%26gt; Lee Jay: No. But it does have to load them from individual files and the process could be more efficient.

I observe that the thumbnails in grid view appear as a coarse preview the first time they are displayed in a LR session, and are then gradually refined (reaching final quality in three passes and 3-4 seconds on my system). Consider that a JPEG thumbnail usually is a file weighting merely a few kilobytes and we are speaking about 20 such images in a grid: it is very surprising, no matter how inefficient the process is, that Lightroom needs more than an instant to display them.

I believe your description of the process is incorrect. When a same grid of thumbnails is accessed a second time, after it has been viewed once in a Lightroom session, it is displayed instantly. Doesn't this indicate that at this point in time, thumbnails exist, that are not stored between sessions?

I agree with daveyr: all ''lesser'' programs (ACDSee, Picasa, PS Elements) are considerably better at dealing with thumbnails, basically displaying them instantly and scrolling very fast through them.

By the way, do you know where the thumbnails are stored?

- Armand

This is one of the areas I am crossing all of my fingers for a vast improvement. Another one is better token support for file renaming and metadata (using tokens in metadata upon import).

%26gt; I believe your description of the process is incorrect. When a same grid of thumbnails is accessed a second time, after it has been viewed once in a Lightroom session, it is displayed instantly.

Not always. If you put up enough thumbs, you'll end up having to go through them again to get them loaded from the disk.

%26gt; Doesn't this indicate that at this point in time, thumbnails exist, that are not stored between sessions?

No, they are stored in the preview directory.

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