Tuesday, December 6, 2011

V 1.0 Installed but doesn't work...

I successfully installed v 1.0 after uninstalling the beta. I didn't use the beta much so I had no libraries to import.

I imported a folder as a test. The images imported fine. I could go to Slideshow and Library. But when I tried to go to Develop or Print the program would hang with the processor locked at 100%.

This happened several times.

I then rebooted hoping that would help. Unfortunately it's worse. Now I can still only go to Slideshow or Library. BUT, it also closes itself after about 45 seconds of being open.

Also, after coming back from the reboot the shortcut icon on the desktop was missing (don't know if that's connected to the problem).

I'm running XP with 1 Gig of RAM. I also have PSCS2 and PSE3--(my old cataloging software!)

I reviewed any FAQs I could find and didn't see reference to this problem.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.
V 1.0 Installed but doesn't work...
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the v 1.0 version?

V 1.0 Installed but doesn't work...
I have a few times, it still does it. I've just finished rebooting from a registry cleaning. I'm going to do some searching for any references to Lightroom and then try another reinstall.

I was sure that you had, but since I didn't see it in your post, I thought I'd ask.

I don't know if this will apply to your situation, but you may want to check out the
Windows Install Cleanup Utility and see if there is anything that is stuck.

Good luck!


I'll check that utility. I've gotten it so that it doesn't suddenly close itself. However, the Develop module locks up. I can use Libary and Slideshow with no problems -- even the quick develop tools in Library. But the develop module and print module refuse to work. (I haven't tried web yet.)

Thanks for the reference for the utility (if it doesn't help here I'm sure it will help in the future!)


Fixed it! Lightroom is NOT compatible with NVidia NView desktop manager.

I don't even know what the desktop manager does! (It came preinstalled on my PC...It didn't have any problem with the betas of Lightroom!) But I had a message from the manager stating that it detected a problem. I turned off the NView desktop and everything works fine now.

Well, except my active desktop that got messed up early in this process. I can live with that problem though...

Good job, detective!


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