Sunday, March 28, 2010

Moving Lightroom Library & database

I have been using Lightroom 1.0 on my laptop, with the library %26amp; ldrb file held on an external hard drive. The external drive was set as drive I on the laptop.

I now want to use that library on my pc, have added the external HD to pc %26amp; configed as drive I. When trying to open that library from Lightroom on the pc I am getting the following error message:

Runtime Error:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Lightroom\Lightroom.exe

Abnormal Program Error

If I open an existing Lightroom library on the pc it opens OK.

Advice on how to be able to use the Library on the external hard drive on the pc would be apperciated.

Both Laptop %26amp; pc Are using WinXP Pro.

Many thanks

Moving Lightroom Library %26 database
I think what you did should work.
Moving Lightroom Library %26 database
I too have exactly the same setup so can't offer much help. Only question I have - is the EHD of the hot-plug type e.g. fully transportable in which case I don't understand your statement of having configured it, or is it mounted? If the former, then there should be no reason to configure it - Windows will recognise it as an EHD as soon as you plug it in and assign it's own letter to it which may or may not be l.


to clarify what I mean the external HD is a USB. When I plugged into the pc it initial was showing as drive K, by going into Drive Management I reset the drive from K to I.


Unfortunately it does not - I have also tried moving the Lightroom Preferences file from the l/top to the pc and the same error message appears.


Tom - sorry to read that you are still having difficulties. As I said previously, this is exactly the same setup that I have and with me it runs perfectly. I would possibly suggest that you plug-in your EHD to the PC but DO NOT open LR. Then via explorer locate the EHD's lrdb file. By double-clicking on this LR should open - if not then it could be that the file is corrupt. I can't think of anything else to suggest - sorry.

Edit: Should just add that I can't help feeling that your problem is somehow related to you having re-assigned the drive letter as otherwise our setup is the same as previously mentioned.


It has now got a little weirder - The same lrdb file was copied to a NAS drive on my network to which both the pc %26amp; laptop are connected. FRom the pc, I can double click on the lrdb file on the NAS drive and it opens OK.

To me that suggests that the issue is not with the lrdb file but something else in the LR installation on the PC



I know absolutely next to nothing about NAS and networks - hopefully someone with more knowledge in this area will jump in. One thought though - I would imagine you would have to allow 'sharing' on the network in order for the laptop to access it - yes?


Actually No. A NAS device is a seperate network device %26amp; independent of any pc/laptop on the network, wheras am EHD if plugged into a pc, has to have the pc config to share that EHD over the network.

Still invetigating the issue........


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