I have already imported most of my images to LightRoom. Probably about 5% were not imported as they were considered ''duplicate or damaged''. Hopefully all of these files were in ''working'' folders in other hard disk partitions. I want to get them %26amp; the subsequent data - e.i. keynote %26amp; metadata - back into my main holding file structure which is named by year %26amp; date %26amp; eliminate the duplicate.
Do I just ''move'' the duplicate to my main file structure?
Do I ''delete'' the ''original'' and then ''move '' the duplicate?
Or do I have to ''delete'' the duplicate and reimport the original. This last solution would be the least practical as I would have to ''keynote'' and do my specific ''preset'' again.
Any suggestions would be most helpful.
herb greenslade
Duplicate files not imported - How to...
What file types? What other files and types were with them?
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
Duplicate files not imported - How to...
Hi Don
Let me explain my set up. I have one partition that has all of my last 2 years of digital files seperated into a year directory, a month subdirectory and saved in folders by the shoot date. These are more than 90% RAW, but I have shot Jpeg and these are also included. They are renamed ''dateMonthYear#'', the jpegs included.
When I want to work on a file, I copy the file into a working folder placed elsewhere on one of my hard disks. Once I work on it it is changed to a TIFF. But it has taken me a while to establish a work routine, the consequence is that I have duplicate files all over the place, %26amp; it is these files that are causing my problem as I want to delete them but ensure that the original is shown as being in my main directory - and with whatever keynotes etc. that I subsequently included with the image since having Lightroom.
The rest of the working folder has variations of these same files that I saved in Tiff as I worked on them and at the moment are of little concern.
When I got my DSLR, 2005 for me was like being a kid dropped into a candy bin. :-) and since last summer I've been ''suffering'' because of it :-)
Thanks for your interest %26amp; help
PS I hope this isn't a duplicate
Sounds like this may cover some of your issues: LR currently imports only one flavor of same named, different extensioned files, like RAW %26amp; JPEG or RAW %26amp; TIFF/PSD. Depending on the combo it imports the RAW or the TIFF/PSD.
Do to many screams about this this may well change in the future. MEanwhile a workaround is to segregate them in separate folders and then import. After import you can move them back to the original folders from within LR.
Hope this can be helpful to you.
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
Hi Don
Let me understand what you are saying.
1st: the ''missing'' files are already imported in a different working folder
2nd: I've already imported my main directory/file structure that is missing files.
You suggest that I move the ''duplicate'' files that have been notated in the LightRoom data structure to my main directory. I assume that this would copy the ''duplicate'' file over the original file that is sitting in my main directory, but hasn't been included in the LightRoom database.
This should delete/remove the ''duplicate'' from my working folder, and bring it up in the LightRoom database in its proper %26amp; main directory. And no one should notice any difference. This would include whatever keynotes %26amp; metadata that has been attached to the image. Am I correct? Also I can select %26amp; move several at a time?
EX: move D:\Working\01Sep0514 to E:\2005\Sep\01Sep\ %26amp; this copies the file %26amp; metadata over the 01Sep0514 file that is already residing on my E: partition
Thanks for your help. LightRoom is certainly my favourite but it does have its peculiarities that are just aggravating - so I'll be back as I further explore the program :-).
Hi Don
I'm back to square one. LightRoom refused to move/copy over the original file.
What if I did this outside of LightRoom and then re-imported the main directory / folder??
Sorry for the confusion, but I am not saying hardly any of that.
At this point it would help to know more precisely what files you are talking about and how they are named and in what fashion do you consider some of them duplicate files.
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
Hi Don
I'm even more confused as I renamed one duplicate file, and then re imported my main folder, and not only the file in question was imported but also the other 17.
I tried this with a 2nd folder and it didn't work !!!
This is what I have :
The working folder with the duplicates
etc. for about another 20 files
on a seperate harddisk
L:\RAW2005\Sept2005\08Sep2005\08Sep07Dig01-109.xmp on all but the files that were duplicated.
LightRoom has imported the working folder - e.i. I:\Guelph\
with the 22 duplicate .PEF files
and the main folder e.i. L:\RAW2005\Sept2005\08Sep2005\
with 87 of the 109 files that are in that particular folder.
Since 2005, I've slowly organized a work routine that doesn't leave duplicates about, but during that time I would think that approximately 15-20% of my most important ''shoot'' images are duplicates that I want to get rid of. We're talking about 15-20% of a minimum of 10 thousand images. I thought LightRoom would be my saviour :-)
I think that if the duplicates are in a separate folder, LightRoom should import the files without question. It might be nice if it added a flag to show that the file is a duplicate.
I won't have this problem now as I import from my flashcard, and only keep finalized images in other folders under a different name. But from 2005 to Feb 2007 - I have a mess :-)
The xmp files are not duplicates they are sidecar metadata files that LR and Bridge (and other apps) can use to store the non-distructive edits of RAW (in your case Pentax PEF files) and other metadata like keywording, captions and titles.
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
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