Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to disable Library Mod / Integrate...

Is there any way to disable LR's Library Module and integrate LR's Develop module into a workflow that incorporates DAM software. In my case I use IMatch and basically like LR's Develop Module, though it does have a few user unfriendly aspects.

I use LR Windows XP and have tried specifying LR as the default program when I click on a raw file in IMatch. The result is that LR opens, but it wants to add the file first to the Library before I can use it. I won't go into the number of problems that the Library suffers from, but I really want to avoid it and just use the Develop Module. Other wise I have to discard using LR entirely, and have the Raw file open in Raw Shooter for conversion.

I have been using LR for about two months and it is clear, despite Adobe's claims that LR provides ''one easy application for managing ... large volumes of digital photographs'', LR fails miserably in the area of DAM. I am sure that there are some photographers who are completely happy with the DAM capabilities of LR's Library module. But I find myself frustrated time and again with the complex steps required by LR to accomplish basic DAM tasks. Tasks that are easily and quickly accomplished in IMatch. For those who are not familiar with IMatch, it is a DAM Database based program that runs rings around LR's Library Module in terms of efficiency, ease of use, and speed.

In addition to buying Pixmantec's Raw Shooter Technology, Adobe should have purchased Mario Westphal's IMatch database technology, then LR would have been truly a one stop super program. How the management at Adobe allowed LR to develop into such a frustrating program is a topic for another thread.

Right now I would like to take advantage of LR Develop Module but not be burdened by the Library Module. Otherwise I am stuck with Raw Shooter, a great raw converter, but unfortunately one that will see no further development.
How to disable Library Mod / Integrate...
''Is there any way to disable LR's Library Module and integrate LR's Develop module into a workflow that incorporates DAM software.''

No. . .course, you could just get Photoshop CS3 with Camera Raw 4.
How to disable Library Mod / Integrate...
Jeff's advice is the way to go.

If you are using a DAM with watch folders, just do your work in Bridge CS3, have save to sidecars (also dng)enabled, and it will go into your DAM.

At the present time--now that Bridge CS3 is optimized--, the workflow will be considerably faster. That is what I will be doing while I wait for the next version of LR to see how they compare. Unfortunately, I find LR a drag on workflow as presently configured. Hope that changes, of course. :)

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