Now ive purchased V1 i was shocked to see the same problem:
I shoot in Raw with 5D
After importing to light room I go to print.
I use a HP pro b9180 ( which has been developed closely with lightroom (so say HP))
I set printer to manage colour.....
Select my paper and out comes a crap, dark, strange looking print.
SO i took over....
I Balanced my dell with a Gretamacbeth I one display 2
I sent a test print to Permajet and recieved a personal ICC for the paper I use.
I select the paper with the new ICC profile.....
Same result!!
Import into Photoshop - same settings prints fine!
Now I also have an cheapy Epson R300 and thats the same! has to be Lightroom.
I HAVE tried every print combination in lightroom doeas anyone have a clue??
PLEASE can someone help me!
I'm having to print off 300 prints individually when Lightroom could do them whilst i'm down the pub!
Thanks in advance.
Cant print properly from Lightroom
If you do a search you'll find there have been many many threads concerning printing problems from LR (me included). The general concensus seems to be that one should allow the ''Application'' to manage the colour and NOT the printer.
Cant print properly from Lightroom
ok thanks I'll take a further look.
I have tried letting the app manage colours but it dosent seem to clever at determing the right colour profile for the different papers I've tried.
One thing u learn early on with this printer is that the ICC profile for the paper has to be spot on.
I think thats why the print head has a build in densistometer.
You have to set the icc profile yourself in LR. Print Module/Print Job/Color Management/Profile. and select all you use from the drop down. Then select for specific job. You can do Print presest for the different papers and sizes and layouts so you only have to do this once.
Do check ou the other numerous thrreads for even more info and insights.
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
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