Lightroom and camera raw
No, I don't believe so. You can export those you want to keep into a new folder. You can save them as a collection also.
Personally I keep the raw files out side LR by importing as DNG's with the raw files as an archive. Keeps the number of files down - less confusing for me!!
Lightroom and camera raw
You should be able to move images from folder to folder in LR, what ever they are. Drag and Drop from center of thumbnail, one or many.
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
Can you describe exactly what you are doing to move (or try to move) the raws? You use the word ''export'' the raw, then say you can't ''move'' the image. Those are two different things.
- Pierre
Just a few days ago John Zeman (hope you don't mind my using your name John) postd on the Rawshooter Lightroom forum that he was trying to move edited RAW files from LR into Photoshop CS3 for further editing. He reported that he was able to do this by using Bridge. A few hours later I stumbled upon this info in the FAQ at the Lightroom Extra site ( )
''How to open RAW or DNG in PhotoShop CS:
Put an alias/pointer to PhotoShop CS, in the 'Export Actions' folder.
Export the RAW or PNG, It Opens in ACR and on to PSCS2! ''
Cant say that I was able to achieve a result with either method as I don't have Photoshop, but maybe this info might be useful to someone.
You can use stars to rate/select photos, and these go into metadata which will go anywhere. Not sure about colors, as I make minimal use of them
As Pierre points out, we need more info as to what you're attempting.
Andrew- the simplest way I know is to choose Edit with CS3 from the Photo menu.
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