Tuesday, December 6, 2011

adding title, dimensions, media, for...

i'm a painter/sculptor, and would like to burn a web gallery or slide show of my work to cd to present to galleries, clients, etc. this looks like a great tool, with easy and clean templates.

while i can get a title of a piece to appear, i would also like dimensions and media to show, ie:


4'' x 14'' x 3''

acrylic and paper on wood


is this possible? i could do it in Iview media pro under annotations i think, but working with that program at the time was a pain.

i would think photographers would like to enter info such as title, dimensions, what type of print, etc.

any help is appreciated.

adding title, dimensions, media, for...
It is there. FIll in the info in the Metadata pane of Library and then in Web Check Title and Caption and click on the triangle dropdowns to edit for tokens to be in content.


Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


adding title, dimensions, media, for...
thanks Don. that did it.

Hope you can help, Don.

I cannot get LR to display anything for the Caption field in a Web gallery. I'm using the built-in template that has been slightly edited within LR. I've ticked the Title and Caption options but only the Title is being displayed. It doesn't matter what I choose for the caption, Filename, Custom text or the IPTC caption itself (what I actually want), nothing is displayed on the screen.

I've also tried reating the gallery from the Quick collection rather than a collection, no success.

Is this a bug? Any ideas?


Have you actually entered Caption indo in metadata for the images in the Library?


Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


Back from a long day at work and got round to investigating this.

Yes, I did have info in the Caption metadata for my images and it did show up in other galleries, just not the one I wanted. I started with the Flash gallery (default) and changed the background colour to white, added my own labels, etc. Ticking Title adds the photo title but ticking Caption does nothing.

I exported it anyway using just three photos and looked at the style.xml file in the styles folder (in the resources folder). Strangely, the behaviour to display the captions has been set false, even though I have ticked the option(!) Editing this to say true instead of false, saving the file and reopening the gallery now displays the caption. Weird.

There are actually two references to displaying the caption, the second one was already set to true. But if I specify I want the captions, why did LR set this attribute to false?

In any case, I created a new template using the default one and this works fine, so I'm not too fussed, just thought this might be a bug that others had experienced.

Kind regards,


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