Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bug reporting?

Is there still a setup for reporting bugs?

Version 1 seems to be a really memory hog - and it won't import more than 500 images without crashing. I can get it to import 500 at a time, but if I point it to more than that it freezes and then closes without ever getting to the preview/renaming dialog. I can do 500 at a time, but it's a bit of a pain - any ideas anyone?
Bug reporting?
I've imported 28,000 in one go.. Give more system details
Bug reporting?
MacBook Pro 2.0ghz, 2gb RAM, nothing else open. Seemed a bit odd to me too!

The files are on an HFS-formatted USB external - but that shouldn't make any difference, should it?
  • olay regenerist
  • nikon camera settings for an adobe only...

    If I use a Nikon D70, shoot raw, don't use Nikon nx, and want to import into Lightroom as dng--are there certain in-camera setting to use or avoid? Use to think only decision was whether to import as dng or nef. But if Nikon's in camera settings aren't accessible without nx, do you have to rethink all your camera settings just because you want to import into Lightroom as dng?

    Thank you,

    nikon camera settings for an adobe only...
    Lightroom (and Adobe Camera Raw) ignore in-camera settings other that white balance.

    I have used ACR and Lightroom with D70 and D200 NEF files and am quite pleased with the results.
    nikon camera settings for an adobe only...
    I agree with Bobs comments above, using a D200 now with some old D70 files I generally convert to DNG upon import to LR and save the NEFs off line.

    I like the results after developing and have no issues, especially after having processed and printed miliions of negatives from film !!

    I don't care too much about the camera settings apart from correct exposure, lowest possible ISO and reasonable white balance, but usually have that set on auto.

    ''But if Nikon's in camera settings aren't accessible without nx, do you have to rethink all your camera settings just because you want to import into Lightroom as dng? ''

    The only settings on the camera you really have to ''worry about'' are F stop, shutter spped and ISO...those are the only settings that will effect a raw file from the standpoint of Camera Raw/Lightroom.

    Bob, Geoff, and Jeff,

    Only reason I selected custom ''image enhancements'' was to choose color mode II-Adobe RGB instead of the default sRGB. Those images do come into Lightroom as RGB, but so far I've copied images off the memory card without converting to dng. I'm now thinking of copying all images from the card in their native nef format just for an extra copy, and then importing into Lightroom as dng and backing them up again during this import. I'll test to see if images imported as dng come in as sRGB or RGB. But maybe that's more of an export issue rather than a capture issue when shooting raw.

    Thanks for your advise,


    '' I'll test to see if images imported as dng come in as sRGB or RGB.''

    Raw files come in as raw with _ON_ color space attached...since it's raw. That's why I said the only things that effect raw files is F stop, shutter speed and ISO. Nothing else you set on cameras as any direct impact on a file. It's only a metadata tag and since Nikon (and Canon) refuse to document their raw file formats or use a standardized raw file format, that ain't gonna change any time soon.

    Raw is raw..ya know?

    %26gt;The only settings on the camera you really have to ''worry about'' are F stop, shutter spped and ISO...those are the only settings that will effect a raw file from the standpoint of Camera Raw/Lightroom.

    Well, they will affect the exposure, but Camera Raw/Lightroom does not care about the actual settings, unless it uses the ISO for sharpening/NR stuff - does it?

    OTOH, WB and NEF compression will be used. Settings such as sharpening and contrast will not matter, unless you are shooting raw+jpg - then you will see the effect on the jpg.

    One thing to consider, is that the WB and contrast settings have a small influence on the in-camera exposure calculation unless you are shooting in manual mode.

    Setting WB in-camera will have an effect on a RAW imported into LR because LR will use that WB setting as the default for that image. This doesn't affect the image itself, of course, but it will affect what you see in LR before you start making changes.

    ''but Camera Raw/Lightroom does not care about the actual settings, unless it uses the ISO for sharpening/NR stuff - does it? ''


    %26gt;''but Camera Raw/Lightroom does not care about the actual settings, unless it uses the ISO for sharpening/NR stuff - does it? ''


    Thanks for the info Jeff. Good to know, especially in the next release???

    I also just convert my NEF's to DNG on import. I tried some of the presets for import, but quickly realized that all of the photos on a memory card rarely need the same things. I would also argue that most people don't choose all the optimal settings in camera (hence the advantages of RAW).

    For this reason, I find my best workflow is to simply edit groups of pictures that are similar. So if I take a few pictures inside at a birthday party, I will spend a few minutes in the develop module changing my settings, and then I will simply sync, auto sync, or copy and paste all of my develop settings to the 10 other photos that have the same issues.

    One note on sharpening. It supposedly is set to a decent setting by default. Check out this article:

    http://www.oreillynet.com/digitalmedia/blog/2007/04/whats_with_the_number_25.htm l



    ''I tried some of the presets for import, but quickly realized that all of the photos on a memory card rarely need the same things.''

    True for most scene or image specific settings, not true at all for calibrate settings. I routinely import images from cards and apply my own set of default settings which include my camera's calibration settings as well as lowered sharpening settings.

    Depending on the shooting situation, I'll also often import with Auto-Tone correction on. Course, I don't do that for shots that are bracketed...

    Jeff, do you use Nikon??

    If so would you be prepared to share a preset as a starting point?

    ''Jeff, do you use Nikon?? ''

    LOL. . .no, Canon pays me to use Canon :~)

    (I'm a Canon Explorer of Light)

    Sorry, and even if I did, the whole point of the Camera Raw/Lightroom calibrate function is to allow for camera by camera calibration...there's enough variation camera by camera that would make my camera different than yours...

    Thanks anyway.......

    There are a couple of Nikon colour presets on Inside Lightroom if you are interested in colour looks.

    Richard Earney



    I would assume these are coming down the pike, but I've gotten two of the recently released Lightroom books, and they are, naturally, very basic and all encompassing. There are several smaller areas that I would love to find material on, like this camera calibration option. I imagine writers are hard at work, but books on specific and detailed aspects of Lightroom would sure be welcome.


    Rick Walker of Nikonians posted some camera calibration presets for the D80 that are something like this:

    Red Hue: -25

    Red Saturation: +45

    Green Hue: 0

    Green Saturation: +10

    Blue Hue: +10

    Blue Saturation: -25

    They work well for me when applied to a NEF or a jpg shot in Adobe RGB mode.


    Thanks Doug, Richard, and Jeff for the sharpening article, color preset tutorial, and camera calibration example. Before I committed to a raw workflow, I spent time testing Nikon's different settings for jpegs. And now it's time to learn Lightroom's settings for a raw workflow. And since it's an Adobe product, I won't have wasted all the time learning Photoshop since 1994.



    Any idea what default setting in LR will match Nikon Capture for D200 files? Also, do you start from ''import'' or ''zeroed''?




    Sorry, I haven't researched settings for the D200, although I sure wouldn't mind having a D200. ;)

    If you haven't done so already, search this forum.

    http://www.nikonians.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=list%26amp;forum=DCForumID202%26amp; conf=DCConfID3


    save changes

    Have Mac G4 laptop. Using Lightroom for first time. I have cropped. How do I save the crop? I seem to be trying to use this as I have used Photoshop and perhaps that is my problem. Thank you, Marianne
    save changes
    That is so right Marianne, no need to save anything as all your action such as cropping are undoable. The file is ''untouched'' and all that LR has is instructions on what to do with the file.

    With a crop, try going to a file you have cropped and in the develop module select the crop tool and you will see your earlier crop show up. You can then alter it or not as you choose.

    Hope that helps....

    Enjoy LR!!!
    save changes

    Your crop is already saved! Hit R again, and it'll be revealed. You can change it, or save it as a snapshot, and redo it. When you Export - to a TIFF, PSD or JPEG, the crop will be ''permanent'' for that exported file....

    In addition to John, if you edit or export a PSD the crop will show up and be adjustable in ACR or PSCS3.


    Whenever you decide to take a master image and edit it for some purpose, you might consider first making a virtual image and then edit that. Your master will still be available to derive other variations in the future, and the virtual copy will be the first edited version. Of course you can create more virtual copies from the master image. Any time you need to use one of these copies in the real world (for print or email, for example) you export.

    Of course if you forget to first make a virtual copy and change the original, you can make a virtual copy of that edited version and undo all the editing - voila, a new copy of the original.

    - Pierre


    It is even better than that:

    With the image selected, You can go to the Develop Module, and click on the bottom of the history to see what the image was like on import. While it is showing the import state, switch back to Library Module, and still see the image as it was on import. And if you wish, make a virtual copy of it, as it was on import without having undone the previous editing.

    I thought that was pretty cool.

    Narsil: I was wondering how to do that. A few times I've tweaked a file only to decide that I should make a virtual copy, first. I've been using the history as an undo list, but didn't really think of it as a /redo/ until now.

    Sometimes the most obvious things are right there in front of you.

    Great tip, Narsil!

    Aperture has two ways to make a version (their ''virtual copies'') - 1) make version from the given image (it may be edited) and 2) make version from the master. That's one thing I'd like to see in LR.

    - Pierre

    Cropping in Photoshop / Viewing in...

    I created a special crop in Photoshop then saved as a PSD. When I view it in Lightroom it distorts to the window shape.

    It also distorts when creating a Web Gallery.

    What to do?
    Cropping in Photoshop / Viewing in...
    Please explain a bit more and include system and versions, thanks..
    Cropping in Photoshop / Viewing in...
    Sure. My apology for the oversight.

    Here's the info about my setup:

    G5 Quad 4GB RAM

    Mac OS 10.4.9


    Ordered Lightroom but currently using most recent Demo.

    OK, thanks. How are the crops distorting, can you email me an original and a distorted crop?


    I use a similar system, so lets see if we can replicate it..

    Will do Geoff. Have to wrap up some deadlines and will then put the files togther to send to you. Thanks!


    Ok, thanks.


    I just sent an email your way with a link for downloading these files. They are large and still uploading so you might need to wait about 20 minutes.

    I just got my copy of Lightroom. Should I remove the demo before attempting to install it? Any other special instructions since I've been working in the demo?

    Don't bother uninstalling it, just register your installed copy using the serial number you received with your purchased copy. The only difference between the trial and purchased versions is the serial number, which turns off the 30 day trial restriction.

    Thank you!

    OT Question: Does Split Toning really work? It seems to be incomplete at best, and broken otherwise.

    ''Does Split Toning really work? ''

    Absolutely...it works great for color and B%26amp;W images...do you know how to use it?

    %26gt; Absolutely...it works great for color and B%26amp;W images...do you know how to use it?

    Obviously not. My bad.


    Many many humble apologies. Split Toning does work wonderfully!!

    Peace offering
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;a href=''http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1nEa4dBDvwjFhWzD5bpMpMaStaJhF'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src=''http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1nEa4dBDvwjFhWzD5bpMpMaStaJhF_thumb.jpg'' border=''0'' /%26gt;

    Very cool, have your files now and will action them as soon as LR has finished an export of 630 images which takes hours !!

    Still time for other things!!

    Thanks very much Geoff!


    Correction. I found the answer to the question I just asked... in the Preferences.

    Sounds like you are cooking with gas now !!!!

    I'm moving right along. :-)

    They look ok to me at this end, can you explain your special crop please.

    I did pretty much what you had with lens distortion but in LR looked fine


    Thank you for testing this.

    I'll put together screen shots for you to see. I'll also try trashing my preferences to see if that helps.


    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;If I view it in Library Mode it looks normal. If I view it in Develop Mode it is distorted. If I view it in Web Mode it is distorted. If I create a Web Gallery it is distorted in the gallery.
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;b Here's a screen shot in Develop Mode:
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;a href=''http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1bTpUS7KVRaTGVB3AJWJYOgxMbrO01'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src=''http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1bTpUS7KVRaTGVB3AJWJYOgxMbrO01_thumb.jpg'' border=''0'' /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;b Here's a screen shot in Library Mode:
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;a href=''http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1OlwZqKlDPAhN82I8HkEOLHEzqRyfx'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src=''http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1OlwZqKlDPAhN82I8HkEOLHEzqRyfx_thumb.jpg'' border=''0'' /%26gt;

    I trashed the Preferences but the problem still exists.

    I am having a hard time telling which images are rated and which ones are not in the normal Library Mode. I looked in the preferences but didn't see anything.

    What am I overlooking?

    My bad again. I found the way to make the ratings show in the Library View Options. Guess all it takes is to post and make myself look like the dummy I too often am... to find the answer. :-)

    Definitely something strange there, that is not how it looked to me, hmmmmmm will ponder this and let you know later!!!!

    Thank you Geoff!

    I hope this is the right thread. I confess that I have not been able to work out exactly what split toning does and how to achieve its effects. I cannot find anything much about it in the help sections. Can anyone please point me in the right direction.?

    %26gt;Roger May1 - 1:56am May 6, 07 PST (#27 of 27)

    %26gt;I hope this is the right thread. I confess that I have not been able to work out exactly what split toning does and how to achieve its effects. I cannot find anything much about it in the help sections. Can anyone please point me in the right direction.?

    Nope wrong hread. You would be better off the start a new one with a tite reflecting you question re: split toning, even thought the subject was brought up here, this thread is more about cropping and veiwing he crop as the title says.


    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


    Does LR honor in-camera settings when...

    If I shoot RAW with my D200 and use in-camera sharpening, saturation,

    contrast, and so on, will LR honor those settings? I thought it did, but

    something I read (I forget where) led me to believe it doesn't.

    If it does, how do the changes I make in Develop relate to the in-camera

    settings? Are they above-and-beyond, or instead-of?


    Rob Freundlich

    ''Males are biologically driven to hunt giraffes'' - Newt Gingrich

    ''Some folks you don't have to satirize - you just quote 'em'' - Tom Paxton
    Does LR honor in-camera settings when...
    No. Lightroom behaves just like ACR when it comes to the teatment of NEF files.
    Does LR honor in-camera settings when...
    The only application that does that is Nikon's godawful slow Nikon Capture (NX). Otherwise, you will have to make some calibration entries in LR to emulate that--and that is not exactly easy :)

    No. No RAW processing program should honor things like that. Only bitmap

    images can have things like that applied and then they aren't RAW. Take RAW

    in the literal sense in that it is the RAW unprocessed data from the cameras

    sensor. To apply contrast, sharpening, etc. to a RAW image would mean it was

    no longer RAW.

    If you want those things applied to your images then shoot JPG or TIF.


    Oh, one last thing. Those settings aren't even included in the RAW file so

    even if a program like ACR or Lightroom wanted to use them they aren't

    there. Now the propritary software may automatically do things to a RAW

    image that it brings in, but most RAW programs can do that as well.

    Including ACR and LR.


    %26gt;No. No RAW processing program should honor things like that. Only bitmap images can have things like that applied and then they aren't RAW.

    This is not correct. Every time you make an edit in Lr, the edit is stored as metadata - just like the sharpening setting set in-camera. The issue is whether Lr can take advantage of these in-camera settings. This is unlikely because camera makers do not document these settings in the raw files.

    %26gt;Oh, one last thing. Those settings aren't even included in the RAW file so even if a program like ACR or Lightroom wanted to use them they aren't there.

    Whoops, wrong again. The information is saved in the raw file - usually in the maker notes. As I mentioned above, the way it is stored, and what each setting means is not documented by camera makers.

    If I understand the Adobe philosophy of the handling of raw images correctly, the only camera setting Camera Raw reads is white balance. While it is true that these other settings might be recorded by the camera, they are not interpreted by Adobe Camera Raw. Camera Raw and Photoshop both treat the raw image as a read-only of raw data that must be processed completely within the Camera Raw plug-in and finished in Photoshop if necessary.

    Edit: sorry, I forgot which forum I was in. The same is true with Lightroom. Additionally, Lightroom treats JPEG and tiff images the same way.

    Yes Rory the camera manufaturers do not want 3rd party providers of raw conversion software to be able to process their raw files. So its up to Adobe, Bibble, Capture one etc to develop their own procedures and profiles. Its a matter of competition remember each camera manufacturer are also providers of conversion software and firmware for the in camera processing. No one wants to reveal what they consider their competive edge.

    %26gt;Yes Rory the camera manufaturers do not want 3rd party providers of raw conversion software to be able to process their raw files. So its up to Adobe, Bibble, Capture one etc to develop their own procedures and profiles. Its a matter of competition remember each camera manufacturer are also providers of conversion software and firmware for the in camera processing. No one wants to reveal what they consider their competive edge.

    I understand the why and I am an advocate of open raw. I did not think it was germane to the topic. But, now that you have got me going, I was not a happy camper when Nikon encrypted WB. We can thank Thomas Knoll for putting Nikon's feet to the fire. And before you bring it up, i know other manufacturers have and do obfuscate data in a variety of ways. I have taken a close look at the dcraw code.



    I just made to point because on many forum I frequent the same issue crops up all the time. I use LR, SilkyPix, RSP, Bibble and tried a few others. Most new users want the default to match the camera makers jpg.

    %26gt;Most new users want the default to match the camera makers jpg.


    ''Most new users want the default to match the camera makers jpg. ''

    I would change that to ''Most new users _THINK_ they want the default to match the camera makers jpg.'' largely because they don't know any better...


    I've nearly convinced myself to switch to DNG from now on.

    I shoot raw on a D80, and the default presets (which I understand /replace/ most settings present in the raw file) for the Nikon D80 look fine in Lightroom. As soon as I get a Macbeth colour chart I'm going to cook up my own preset (just because I can).

    I tried the Nikon NX software for 5 minutes, and it was truly horrible. I'm not overly impressed that Nikon has decided to encrypt all the details in their raw format, but at least Adobe convinced them to provide the key for the WB for ACR.

    As long as ACR can get at the white balance and the camera preset is reasonably accurate, I see no reason not to abandon storing my images as NEF and switch to DNG.


    I shoot Nikon D200 NEF, and I see no advantage to converting to DNG. I may not want to use Nikon software now (and don't think I will in the future) but definitely couldn't if I converted.

    I found converting to NEF didn't save space, and was another step in the process. I guess now you can inport in LR as a DNG.

    I know the argument for converting to DNG is that some day Nikon and Canon will just dog up and die and we'll all be stuck with our CRW and NEF files. I don't think Nikon and Canon is going to go away, and if they do, I'll just tell the computer to convert then and then go to to sleep.

    I suppose one advantage is not having xmp sidecare files, but I guess I really don't care about them unless the get flat tires and stop rolling with the image files.

    ''I know the argument for converting to DNG is that some day Nikon and Canon will just dog up and die and we'll all be stuck with our CRW and NEF files.''

    No, the argument is that for long term preservation and conservation of digital photes, what's more likely to be usable in 10, 25 or 50 years from now...a proprietary, undocumented file format from Nikon or Canon that even THEY have a hard time keeping working or a standarized and documented file format that is not propietary...check this article (that I wrote, so I may be biased) on PhotoshopNews.com called
    Digital Preservation it refers to an initiative by the Library of Congress called the
    National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program

    They have come to the conclusion that there are 7 factors that will effect the long term preservation and conservation of ''digital objects'' (which includes things like Word docs, audio and video files and things like digital photos). Read the factors and you'll see why NEFs and CR2s pretty much suck.

    Am I worried about accessing my image next year? Well, aside from drive failure (which is a REAL worry) not particularly...am I worried that my original (raw) images may not be accessible in 50 years? Yeah, I am. Consider what is at risk...

    I recently had to go deal with my Mom's house (after she passed away). The biggest problem and disappointment was dealing with family photos. Seems there are prints from the late 1890's (B%26amp;W) that look fine and dandy...seems the photos from the 60s %26amp; 70s are literally, almost gone. Why? Cause Kodak stuffed non-archival color print processing down our throats and we didn't know any better.

    I ain't falling for that same crap this time from the camera companies...

    Unless they come out with some sort of statement regarding their company's policy regarding raw file format support on into the future, I simply will not believe a word that say...there is just too much as risk that they'll blow it off some point down the road...

    So, you may not think that your original raw file format images are at risk...but I'm here to tell you that they are, given the current state of affairs. And nothing that Nikon or Canon have said has had any effect on my feelings...only Adobe is even addressing the issue. And that says something, right there.

    I prefer to archive the finished images, rather than the RAWs. Look at the RSP situation. If people haven't converted and lose the use of RSP (which they will eventually as new operating systems and computers come into use), they will have to re-create whatever they were thinking at the time in a new tool, even if they converted to DNG. The RSP migration tool isn't available yet, but when it does become available, the conversions in LR won't be perfect matches to those from RSP. Finally, any edits done at the pixel level aren't preserved in a RAW or DNG containing a RAW.

    JPEG is a documented format, and it's supported much more widely than DNG. I recommend anyone wishing to preserve images for a long time convert them to JPEG at full resolution and high quality. Preserving the RAW or DNG is secondary, which isn't to say you shouldn't do it. It is to say you shouldn't do it at the expense of preserving the finished image.

    OK Jeff point well taken.

    On Tue, 1 May 2007 12:52:09 -0700, John_Verne@adobeforums.com wrote:

    %26gt;I tried the Nikon NX software for 5 minutes, and it was truly horrible.

    Admittedly the UI isn't the easiest to relay to and speed could still

    be improved, but in my experience 5 minutes is - unfortunately! - not

    enough to appreciate Capture NX. It takes days and weeks, depending on

    the number of photos one uses it on. The moment one ''gets it'' NX is a

    wonderful tool.


    Dierk (sometimes known as Evo2Me)

    [DH虏 Publishing]


    Writing and Imaging


    That was 5 internet minutes, as in ''worth 5 minutes of my time''. I tried to use Capture NX for the entire trial period. It is a terrible app that I refused to pay money for. It had a lot of unrealized potential, but was not worth any more of my time. I lasted a week or so.

    I am not excited about spending money on proprietary software and file formats that may not be supported into the future. This is a real problem that digital media faces going forward.

    At any rate, the /only/ thing that Capture NX gave me was the ability to do identical in-camera processing on imported exposed images. This is a neat idea that, in practice, didn't end up being all that significant. Especially when you have to fight with one of the ugliest, unusable apps I've ever seen a vendor ask real money for on the Mac.

    For me, this is about photography, and there are many existing tools that can let me (for example) take a section of sky in a photo and turn it magenta, or tweak the sharpening. All I find I care about anymore are the three exposure parameters and white balance. I like to get it right in the camera, and the ability to tweak that ''right'' on the desktop, while very powerful, did not make up for the places where Nikon, and Capture, fall down.

    Plain and simple: if I knew then what I know now about NEF and the history of Nikon with raw images, I might not have stayed with Nikon when I decided to get an SLR. And I /love/ Nikon products.

    Encrypting the file format details and giving me a single app from a single vendor that I can use to access those details smells like vendor lock-in to me. After spending nearly $2k, I'd at least expect the software to access the data to be complementary.

    This is my data, to be used under my terms. Anything else is unacceptable.


    I certainly will defend NX only to the point of there being a couple of good features in it--otherwise it sucks dead bunnies through a straw. It has the poorest, slowest, most archaic UI of any app ever designed that I know of, and I have been doing digital since day one. But, it is a step up from Capture!

    Having said that, however, I also have to say that not knowing that would be the case with Nikon Software is equally inexcusable. If you did any research, or visited DPR to get aquainted with all things Nikon, etc, you should have quickly been exposed to Nikon's terrible reputation for godawful proprietary software--and they are not alone in that, but they have the unmitigated gall to charge for it!

    Fortunately, Nikon users (35 years for me) are not stuck with Capture or NX.

    LR won't import PSD files without...

    I have imported most of my library into LR successfully. However, I realised that all of my files already processed in PS will not import. I am using a mac, and hence none of my file names have extensions. I have always made sure that the 'maximise compatibilty' option was either switched on or selected at save time.

    When I manually added the .psd extension to some of my file names, they imported successfuly.

    Why won't LR import PS files without an extension? Photoshop imports files without extensions.


    Hope this is not a really dumb question.

    Thanks, anyone.

    LR won't import PSD files without...
    I can relate! I imported about 5,000 camera files (raws, jpegs, tiffs) with no problems. Then I created a separate library for my edited files, which are mostly saved as Photoshop files with layers intact and backwards compatibility. Since I've always been on Macs, these files have normal titles, for example ''Blue Wall.'' When I try to import these files into LR, it says ''No photos were found to import.'' If I take one of those files and add ''.psd'' to the end of the existing title, then, as you discovered, I can import it.

    But it gets even better: if I add the extension and then rename the file yet again to eliminate the extension, I can still import it into LR! So ''Blue Wall'' will work fine if it has been named ''Blue Wall.psd'' in the finder and then renamed ''Blue Wall'' still in the finder. I suppose that I can do this to all my edited files, but man, that's gonna be a lot of work.

    Any ideas?

    -- greg
    LR won't import PSD files without...
    Greg, I haven't done very much with it but my understanding is that the Automator is designed to do just this sort of thing. Seems like if you moved all of your .psd files (w/o extension) to one folder you could create something that would add the extension you need.

    Just a suggestion, like I said I haven't done much with Automator.


    I am half way through manually adding the 'psd' extension to my files. Luckily I only have a few hundred or so to go. I am sure you can do it (adding the file extension) with Apple script, but I don't know how to do it, never having used it before. Looked at Automator, but couldn't see a way to do it.

    I think this is a big oversight by Adobe with this app. An Adobe photographic application that cannot open it's own (adobe) file format unless it has the extension added to it.


    I've noticed something similar on Windows. I have a lot of RAW files and many .PSD files with the same name that required addition edits beyond what I could do in RAW. What I've found out is that Lightroom won't import two files that have the same name but a different extension.

    This is a big problem for me and I really hope Adobe changes it eventually.

    At the moment, I just use Lightroom to process new work, but I'm not using it at a ''master library'' for this reason.

    %26gt;What I've found out is that Lightroom won't import two files that have the same name but a different extension.

    LR will import them if they are in different folders. Segregate by extension, import and then move to folders as you want.


    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


    RGB Absolute Values

    I did a search for ''RGB values'' and didn't find anything, so I am sorry if this has been addressed before...

    I use a GretagMacbeth ColorChecker in my shoots and the RGB percentages that are displayed in Lightroom are not as helpful as the RGB absolute values. Is there a way to change the display to the actual numbers? It's a little unfriendly to have to calculate the percentages by hand.

    I just purchased Lightroom and have a big learning curve.RGB Absolute Values
    %26gt; Is there a way to change the display to the actual numbers?

    No. LR is using 16 bit ProPhoto chromaticities in linear gamma internally. Thus, any ''actual numbers'' would be meaningless relative to what something like PS puts out.RGB Absolute Values
    Does this make the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker meaningless in Lightroom? How about CIELAB?
    You can still use the color checker in a couple of ways. Since there are scripts available, you can use them to determine calibration settings in ACR, then copy those to LR. Or you can export from LR and use an editor to examine your images.
    I'm not familiar with the scripts you mentioned. Where are these available? I'll need to look into these suggestions, but it sounds like a considerable interruption to the workflow. I was hoping to make most of the color corrections and applying them before editing in Photoshop. I am now worrying a little that Lightroom may not have been the wisest purchase.
    What are you seeking to achieve Mark?
    Tom Fors will be releasing his brand new calibration script for Camera Raw 4 any day now (maybe even today). Check PhotoshopNews.com for the announcement.

    Once you have nailed your per camera calibration, you can import the resulting raw file into Lightroom and ''capture'' the calibration settings to create a camera specific calibration setting you can apply to all other images at import.

    And yes, from the standpoint of RGB numbers, the %'s in Lightroom are different than any other app because, well, Lightroom is different than any other app.

    Jeff is it possible that something like this be developed to create the camera calibration directly in LR. That would be great.
    What I am seeking to achieve is setting the white balance and exposure in the first picture (taken with a WhiBal and a ColorChecker) and applying them to the rest of the series in Lightroom. White balance is easy, and I know what the grey scale in the ColorChecker is supposed to be with the 8 bit RGB or CIELAB numbers that GretagMacbeth supplies with it. I was hoping to do all this before going into Photoshop, but I guess this isn't one of Lightroom's strengths.
    %26gt; What I am seeking to achieve is setting the white balance and exposure in the first picture (taken with a WhiBal and a ColorChecker) and applying them to the rest of the series in Lightroom.

    Why not just use the WB eyedropper on the first image, and then sync (or copy and paste) the white balance information from that image to the rest?
    That is step one of my process. I was hoping to adjust the shadows and highlights to get the grey scale on the ColorChecker in line before I synced them up.
    Hi Mark,

    Bruce Lindbloom has created a TIF file in LAB space using calculated values for the Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker. You can download it from this page:


    You can import it directly into Lightroom. You still wont see the RGB values, but you will have an exact reference for what the percentages should be. No more calculating needed :)

    I put it in a collection called ''Reference Targets'' so I can always find it quickly.

    Thanks Chris!

    That will definately help. I wouldn't mind a future release of Lightroom having the option of RGB percentage or LAB space. I have a feeling I'm not going to be placing a lot of emphasis on the ColorChecker values though... at least for the moment, until I learn the software. I just purchased Photoshop CS3 on Friday, and Lightroom on Saturday. It looks like I got Lightroom just before the price increase!

    I am pretty much a newby when it comes to digital photography, and still trying to find the best software for me. This purchase will replace: Elements 4, Bibble Pro, Capture One LX, and possibly Nikon Capture NX. I'm suprised that this early in the game I feel I hit the limitations of that software. Photoshop makes my head spin though! It's a whole different world!

    Many of us die-hard Camera Raw users who have been working with Lightroom since the early beta's initially revolted against the percentage concept. But to be honest, I can't say as that I've really missed the RGB readouts. Other than for calibration (for which I use Tom Fors script) purposes, I rarely, if ever have to rely on actual numerical RGB values.

    So yeah, it takes a little getting use to but unless you're going for a very specific targeted output value (in which case I'd say stick with Camera Raw %26amp; Photoshop), they just aren't (IMHO) that big of a deal for everyday work.

    And like Jeff said, it's a whole different kind of workflow.

    Will Tom Fors calibration script be announcd on the home page? Looking at all the links on the right hand side I doubt I will ever find it otherwise!
    You can find it here-

  • olay regenerist
  • programming
  • Creating multiple copies of images...

    Anyone know how to create another copy of an image in Lightroom? Ok I get that its supposed to filter and prevent multiple copies, which can be switched off on import to bring multiple copies in.

    But, all the images I have processed and saved are organised into folders on my hard drive in a structure that makes sense for online galleries, when I get it updated. So, I have galleries organised by genre, location etc, but for ease of browsing there will be another called favorites.....these will have images copied into that folder.

    In lightroom I dont want to move an image to another folder, I want to copy it to another. It seems this cant be done?? oooooooh problem.

    The only way I can figure is to copy into my watched folder,but even doing this copy means doing it outside of lightroom.
    Creating multiple copies of images...
    You could try making collections and or virtual copies in LR and then exporting from those to where you want. Although I find it easier now to just keep the ''master'' and export what I want and then delete.

    All the best.......

    Enjoy LR !!
    Creating multiple copies of images...
    Sorry Geoff didnt quite get that, images from a quick collection can be exported into a different folder, and it will show up? Even if the image already exists in Lightroom?

    Yes they will, you will need to import the new folder into LR though.

    sorry Geoff, what I mean is existing folders already within LR. My understanding is that images will only show if they are imported or if they are in the watched folder. I can export to a new folder then import that, but if I export to an existing folder, does it show automatically or do I have to import that image again?

    No auto show, except for the watch. Even if you export to existing folder you have to import them.


    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


    Thanks Don....... off to the lounge

    Save me a seat.



    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


    Shortcut to jump to keywording panel?

    Is there any kind of keyboard shortcut to enter into the keywording panel and be ready to type?

    I sure hate having to go click there after every photo... no need to leave the keyboard.

    and a bit off topic, but what do other people find is the fastest method of entering keywords? Stamp tool?


    Shortcut to jump to keywording panel?
    I'm going to leave my dumb question up here with the answer instead of deleting it.

    Of course there is.... command (apple) K does the trick. (As I'm sure ctrl-k does on windows).

    Can't believe I didn't try that first.


    Inserting html link in web gallery

    Trying to create a clickable web link in the Collection Description text field of the default lightroom flash web gallery. Using [url] or
    tags don't seem to work. Any options?
    Inserting html link in web gallery
    I too am interested in this topic.


    see some of my work: www.msdad.com

    Confused about import and workflow...

    Ok folks, I purchased Lightroom last week and I am still staring at an empty Library module. I have thousands of images but I seem to have been overcome by a case of anxiety/paralysis. Why, you ask? I can't determine an import strategy; here's why.

    I maintain three versions of every photo: 1) Original RAW, 2)Processed Tif, and 3) a Screen/web-ready Jpg

    Photos are sequencially numbered and maintained in folders as in the example below:

    - Main folder, 00001-00048

    -- 3 Sub-folders: RAW, Tif, Jpg,

    --- Each sub-folder has a sub-folder containing 24 photos (e.g 00001-00024 and 00025-00048)

    Method to my madness...

    - Each Main folder/content fits nicely on a DVD

    - 24 files to each sub-folder makes a nice printed 4 column, 6 row contact sheet and a 1024 x 768 contact sheet for the computer screen.

    Obviously I do not want all 3 versions of every photo visible in the library but I do want access to all of them through LR. Can I import all three versions and stack them?

    Also, I typically d/l my RAW files from a card reader to a d/l folder, preview and delete, process keepers via PS and save as Tif, batch rename picking up where I left off from the last batch, and finally resize/convert to Jpg and save copies. All files are then moved to numbered folders on a backup hard drive and burned to two DVDs.

    Given the new/required import methodology, is this process of saving, renaming, moving to different folders, etc., still possible using LR, or do I have to reinvent the wheel?

    Apologies for the lengthy post - appreciate any and all input. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Confused about import and workflow...
    %26gt; Can I import all three versions and stack them?

    Well, you can only stack within a folder, not across the hierarchy. So they'll all need different names and to be in the same folder. But leaving them in their own folders should work, and there are ways to hide them, like making the RAWs red, the TIFFs green, and the JPEGs purple, or something like that. Then just filter for what you want.

    Your downloading etc. system should still work in LR.

    LR and CS3?

    I haven't found any info about installing LR on a PC running CS3. CS3 uses ACR 4.0, and LR 1.0 uses ACR 3.7. I am wondering about conflicts and whether I should uninstall CS3 before installing LR 1.0

    Anyone have a link to info on installing LR 1 with CS3 installed? I didn't find anything over at Adobe Labs or at NAPP.

    SharonLR and CS3?
    LR doesn't 'use' ACR at all. They have compatible code.LR and CS3?
    You should be able to pass files back and forth between the two without any problems, where as with the newly released ACR 3.7 some features are not available to ACR 3.7 such as Vibrance, Split Toning, but it doesn't remove the relevant metadata.
    Similar question as Sharon's. I assume I do not need to install ACR 3.7 to CS3 beta, only to CS2 and Photoshop Elements 4.0. Assuming that is true, then I have two questions, the first is for ACR 4.0 to read the metadata, do I need to have LR write to sidecars any more or will ACR read the metadata directly? The second question is to have ACR 3.7 read the metadata do I need to write to sidecars. I want to get LR configured properly from the start, but it seems from reading the FAQ on Lightroom Extra that I need to write to sidecars if I am going to use ACR 3.7 but I can see nothing about ACR 4.0.
    The FAQ is at www.LightroomExtra.com
    On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 04:36:30 -0800, JonofSMA %26lt;jonofsma@gmail.com%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;wrote:%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;%26gt;I assume I do not need to install ACR 3.7 to CS3 beta%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;I just installed 3.7 for both, CS2 and the CS3 beta; until now it%26lt;br /%26gt;works.%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Lightroom caught my CS3 install as the Photoshop version to use. No%26lt;br /%26gt;complaints here about that [since I've resolved the flickering cursor%26lt;br /%26gt;at last].
  • how to be friends with a guy
  • using two different computers and...


    i have two computers, one at home with the majority of the files on it, and a small laptop i take with me when i travel. if i import photos into lightroom on my laptop to work on when i'm out, how can i get those files merged into my home computer?

    i work primarily in JPG.

    i find that when i export a ''developed'' JPG file from my laptop, it LOSES all of its ''history'' when i reimport it onto my home computer (ie, if i converted it to grayscale, i cannot convert back once i re-import on my home computer).

    now, i know that if i export as DNGs, that's not a problem - and it works out OK. however, it would be nice to be able to keep the files as JPGs, so that they are easier to share and move around (you know, copy to a flash card, and take to the photo kiosk to print, etc).

    is this possible? or am i asking too much?

    i think i'm basically asking if there is an easy way to merge libraries between two (un-networked) computers.


    using two different computers and...
    Well, sort of.

    If you write the xmp data to the files (metadata, xmp, ...) you can then import the file and get most of the settings. You won't get:


    Collection information


    History snapshots

    using two different computers and...
    what are VC's?

    it seems like at this point, all you get is a ''developed'' file - is this right? are you losing the ''original''?

    Virtual copies.

    No, you'll still have the original, along with all the develop settings except those I mentioned. This isn't exporting, it's just writing the metadata (the develop settings and other metadata) to the image file, without altering the image itself.

    i'll give it another try...

    i had developed a photo, and then exported with XMP data (into a JPG file).

    when i re-imported it on the other computer, all i had left was the developed image. i couldn't go back to the original.

    (however, this does work when i used a DNG-- the files are just a lot bigger, which could be kind of annoying. i would prefer to stay within JPG, since it makes it easier to manage).

    your thoughts? thanks!

    Right. Forget the developed and exported photo. Just export the XMP data into the files. As I said before, it's in metadata, xmp...

    That will export the metadata to the *original file* which you can then move and import on the other machine. Don't export the image, just export the metadata to the original image using the menu option I gave you.


    i get it.

    export the XMP. then just find the particular directory where the jpg files are saved, and copy them to (for example) a USB drive.

    then use that to move to the new computer and import.

    i think that this works....

    does the ''zeroed'' preset mean the ''original'' unaltered file?

    i think this may be the way to go!

    thanks a bunch for your help,


    %26gt; ...find the particular directory where the jpg files are saved

    You know, there's an LR option for exactly that (right-click an image, show in...).

    %26gt; does the ''zeroed'' preset mean the ''original'' unaltered file?

    I think so.

    Another way to deal with the problem is to put the Library on a portable external HD. Doing this you lose nothing - development settings, keywords, labels, collections, etc. are all preserved.

    If you import a folder of images when running LR on the portable, you can move the image folder (using your OS) to your desktop machine, then re-locate the files for LR when running LR from the desktop. If your external drive is large enough to hold both the Library and your shoot photos, you can move the images to the desktop machine using LR itself. [ drag them in the folder panel from the external to an existing folder from the desktop machine in the panel.]

    %26gt;does the ''zeroed'' preset mean the ''original'' unaltered file?

    It depends on the format of the file you're working with.

    For proprietary raw or DNG files zeroed means that all the adjustment sliders in the Basic, HSL, Split Tone, Detail, Lens Corrections and Camera Calibration panels are set to zero. The Tone Curve is set to Linear. In some instances this may not be the same as resetting the image or choosing default settings.

    For JPG, PSD and TIFF it's equal to reset or default settings.

    LR with my External HD when switching machines and the HD, ascually saves the Stacks, but not Collections or Keywords. Is there a workaroung to save the collections or keywords.(DNG files)...Thanks,Phil

    Make sure the Library file ( the .lrdb file) is on the External HD. Thats where all the metadata lives.

    Rumor has it that ver 1.1 is just around the corner, and that it includes merging libraries.
  • olay regenerist
  • Question mark on the frame of my photos...

    I had used LR for imports and some editing. I then reorganized my folders of the original files. This includes the NEF and JPG.

    Now when I open LR, all of the files are there but I get a message that they can't be opened and there is a small question mark on the gray around each photo.

    What do I need to to do to undo this?


    Question mark on the frame of my photos...
    Did you ''reorganize'' them outside of LR? If so, LR has lost track of the images. You'll need to click the Question Mark on one at the highest level directory you can and point LR to the file. LR will try to re-locate the rest but you may need to do this for each changed branch.

    Editing Photos in Lightroom on two...

    Is this possible? I want to work on images I have stored on a FW drive, on my machine

    at another location. How can I do this, making sure all my data and chances to RAW files

    are transferred? Thanks!
    Editing Photos in Lightroom on two...
    Move the library to the FW drive, and point LR to it when you get to the other machine.
    Editing Photos in Lightroom on two...
    Yes, as long as you keep the database on the external drive it works great. I use Lightroom on my Mac and Windows with my shared firewire drive.

    YOu also need to copy your LightRoom Presets folder across to the other machine.

    Bob Frost.

    Problem with large, scanned image files

    I have been scanning in Medium Format negatives with a Nikon 9000 ED scanner. The files are huge 320 megs each. I import them into Lightroom and ''edit'' them. After a few, Lightroom will always crash.

    I am using a monster of a laptop. Alienware duo-core cpu, 2 gigs memory (that's as high as I can to), 320 gig raid array 0 storage. Fastest Video available. This can't be a performance problem but maybe a memory issue? I'm getting pretty frustrated.

    Any idea?

    Problem with large, scanned image files
    While LR shouldn't crash for any reason, it doesn't support images that are larger than 10,000 pixels on either side.
    Problem with large, scanned image files
    The images are actually not over 4000 on any side.

    I'm told that they are 320 megs. because when you scan negatives you get a lot of information that you don't need. Nothing I can't do anything about that except scan at 8 bits depth instead of 16. A tool should not force me to make decisions.

    I'm pretty sure Lightroom is running out of memory and not handling it well. I increased the virtual memory size (the swap disk) and it happens less frequently. Maybe after working with 16 images. Still very annoying.

    %26gt;The images are actually not over 4000 on any side.

    just doing the math here, but a 6cm x 6cm transparency scan at 4000 ppi (Coolscan 9000) should yield an image that's approx 9000 x 9000 pixels.

    in 24bit color they would yield a size of 230MB (max) and in 48-bit color 460MB (max). if you open your scans in photoshop you can verify whether the pixel information you have is correct.

    btw, XP or VISTA?

    Lightroom Cannot find PSCS3

    When I installed Lightroom, I had the PSCS3 beta installed and light room was able to export photos to PSCS3 without problem. Now I removed the Beta and installed the real thing. Unfortunately not it has forgotten where to fine PSCS3. Under External editors, it says ''Edit in Adobe Photoshop (not found). How can I fix this? Why isn't there a simple Choose button like there is immediately below?


    DaveLightroom Cannot find PSCS3
    OS please..Lightroom Cannot find PSCS3
    Oh, yea... I guess that would help. You know us arrogant Windows users, we just assume the whole world is using Windows :-).

    OS = Windows XP.

    I am going to guess that one could just re-load Lightroom but that seems a bit drastic.

    Deleting the preferences file is another thing that I thought of but I thought I would ask before I started fiddling around.


    Reinstalling Lightroom as a repair install only takes a few minutes and could well fix this. I did a precautionary repair reinstall of LR and PsCS2 immediately after uninstalling the beta and installing PsCs3, and I've experienced no problems.
    I am having the same problem that after I install CS3 and uninstalled CS2 that Lightroom says it can't find Photoshop. I can install CS3 as a secondary editor, but I would like the shortcuts, etc to work. Anyway I tried to ''repair'' lightroom, but when it starts to repair the program, it stops and asks for disk 1. Lightroom only has 1 disk and it is in the drive. If I take it out and put it back in I still get the same message. Any suggestions?
    Yep... I get the same response, a dialog box that says ''Please install Disk: 1'' What's up with that? It seems that I got this same thing with PS Elements 5 once and the only solution was to completely uninstall the program and reinstall it.
    On Tue, 1 May 2007 10:24:46 -0700, Eric_Wulfsberg@adobeforums.com

    %26gt;I am having the same problem that after I install CS3 and uninstalled CS2 that Lightroom says it can't find Photoshop. I can install CS3 as a secondary editor, but I would like the shortcuts, etc to work. Anyway I tried to ''repair'' lightroom, but when it starts to repair the program, it stops and asks for disk 1. Lightroom only has 1 disk and it is in the drive. If I take it out and put it back in I still get the same message. Any suggestions?

    The problem is most likely related to the fact that Adobe's installer
    for CS2 does not do a good job about uninstalling; loads of registry
    entries remain in there, leading to conflicts.

    Here's a story about it: http://dh2publishing.blogspot.com/ ; several
    entries on installing CS3, partly in German, partly in English. Read
    the very first, using both languages in one entry.

    Dierk (sometimes known as Evo2Me)
    [DH虏 Publishing]
    Writing and Imaging
    Solved it. Solution is here:


    Thanks to Don Ricklin
  • worm be healed from phone
  • Virtual Copy Trouble

    Im not sure if the problems with Virtual Copy have been reported with Win XP SP 2, but here goes.

    1. The only times where Virtual Copy works as described is when using Library%26gt;All Photographs or Folders. When restricting the view with these two options, VC works just as documented.

    2. Using Keyword Tags, either nested or not, or the Metadata Browser, only the original is shown when a visual copy is created.

    3. Except in the case of (1) above, the VC is not shown when added to to the Quick Collection.

    Since Visual Copies is such an important concept, this is a major bug. If not here, where should this situation be reported?

    Virtual Copy Trouble
    I don't think this is a bug.

    From the documentation:

    ''Once created, virtual copies are automatically stacked with the master photo.''

    The ''master photo'' is in the folder, not in a collection of any sort.
    Virtual Copy Trouble
    Well, I think it is a bug because:

    1. It does not get stacked. It can be seen in some view filters, but not in others.

    2. There is no way to deal with any stack functions with the Visual Copies.

    3. Please try it, and tell me where I have missed the boat.


    1.2. You can create a VC anywhere, but it will only stack while in the library or folders. If left unstacked you will see it any part of the Library, but not be able to stack/unstack unless you return to the Lib/folders. Stacking is not abled in any other part of the Library, although heavily requested.

    Way, Way OT. However....

    The banner on this forum includes ''Adobe Photoshop Lightroom'' and a lot of other stuff which is displayed on a background.

    Does this background have a very slight departure from neutral?

    If there is a slight tint what is the color?

    Why do I ask? I just profiled a new monitor and I'm seeing a tint.
    Way, Way OT. However....
    What banner are you talking about? I don't see what you are describing.

    I see the Adobe logo in the top left. To the right of that, I see a gray menu strip with ''Solutions'', ''Products'', ''Support'', etc. Below that, I see ''user to user forums'' and below that, I see links for ''Support'', ''User to User Forums'', ''Adobe Photoshop'', ''Adobe Photoshop Lightroom'', etc.

    Is this what you are talking about? If so, the only background color I see is behind the very topmost menu (actually a graphic, not a background color, per se), behind your post, and the menu below your post. Everything else is a white background.

    If you see something different, maybe it's my browser: Firefox.
    Way, Way OT. However....
    On my screen it is a perfectly gray rectangle without any tint.

    The gray rectangle is neutral: RGB=(239,239,239). Redo your profile.

    Can someone help me here... which gray rectangle are we talking about?

    %26lt;a href=''http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1OPTbqqZz8V9j2d3saYbINsow09Vsc'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src=''http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1OPTbqqZz8V9j2d3saYbINsow09Vsc_thumb.gif'' border=''0'' /%26gt;

    Ah... now I'm on board! Thanks. I'm just not sure that's what the OP is talking about.

    Profiled the monitor again and the *very* slight green tint vanished. Whew! I haven't had that happen before.

    FYI: Apple Cinema Display, 23 inch

    Thanks to all for responding.

    Glad it worked!
  • olay regenerist
  • Lightroom Crash on Import with CS3...

    The last two days, I have been importing fairly large shoots from CF cards with Lightroom (Yesterday 147, today 79). In both cases I have received the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has encountered a problem and needs to close..'' message; twice today. I installed Photoshop CS3 Release yesterday and now I have Bridge trying to import the same set of photos. I noticed the Bridge import dialog today after LR crashed. By sending off the debug message and restarting LR I can finish the import eventualy. It shouldn't be this way and wasn't before I installed release CS3 (I had had LR and Beta CS3 on my machine with none of these problems.
    Lightroom Crash on Import with CS3...
    What OS, What computer? What camera? What kind of connection from the card?
    Lightroom Crash on Import with CS3...
    Check out the prefernces in Bridge and if there is an auto import, disable it.


    WinXPPro SP2, Intel Core 2 Duo with 2GB. USB2 card reader.


    There doesn't seem to be a choice; I wish there were.

    Is it in preferences%26gt;general%26gt;behaviour%26gt;''when a camera is connected...'' ???

    Make sure you disable Adobe Downloader for Bridge CS3...also, try to limit the amount of busy work you try to do inside of Lightroom while importing from a card...there have been some threads on how to disable Bridge from auto-launching to download cards...(sorry, I don't do Windows too much)



    Is it in preferences%26gt;general%26gt;behaviour%26gt;''when a camera is connected...'' ???

    No such entry under General


    Make sure you disable Adobe Downloader for Bridge CS3...also, try to limit the amount of busy work you try to do inside of Lightroom while importing from a card...there have been some threads on how to disable Bridge from auto-launching to download cards...(sorry, I don't do Windows too much)

    I wasn't doing anything but downloading and as far as I can tell from the Bridge forum, there is no way to disable the Adobe Downloader for Bridge.

    There are numerous ways. Do a search for ''msconfig''.

    See seventh listing of Lightroom FAQ in this forum.


    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D


    Lee Jay and Don

    The msconfig route as referred to in the Lightroom FAQ turns off the Lightroom response to CF insertion. That is not the result I want. Launching LR is the desired response. I don't want to launch the Bridge downloader at the same time (or really unless I ask for it).

    Oh...I didn't get it I guess because I don't use Bridge. And anyway I would have thought it uses the Adobe downloader too. Anyway, that sounds like a Bridge question.


    Open ''My Computer''.

    Find the Device letter that is your CF Drive.

    Right Click on the drive.

    Select the Autoplay tab.

    In the ''Drop Down'' box select the content type that you want to change. (Bridge CS3 is in Pictures, Video Files, and Mixed Content)

    For each type of media, choose either ''Select an Action to Perform'' and pick which other program you want to start instead of Bridge (or Take no Action) when the card is inserted or ''Prompt each time''

    Hit OK for each change.

    So if you want to use LR, leave the Adobe downloader running in the system tray but set the autorun options to ''no action'' instead of Bridge.


    When I right-click on the drive, I get a context menu. Autoplay is one of the options. However, clicking on that only gives me the same dialog I get when I insert a CF card, The dialog is titled Pictures and gives me a choice of ''Download Images using Bridge'' or ''Take no action.'' There are not choices of media or things to do with the media.


    I'm not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the options I discussed above. The Adobe Downloader gives one the options of Disable, Launch, or Exit. If you choose Launch, it launches Lightroom. There is no reference to Bridge.

    Again, if you want to use LR, do nothing with the Adobe downloader. It will automatically open LR to get the images off your card.

    If you want the OS to stop giving you the other options simultaneously, right-click on the drive in explorer, click on Properties, click the AutoPlay tab, and then in the drop-down box pick, one at a time, each type of file other than Music files (Pictures, Video files, and Mixed content) and for that type of file check ''Select an action to perform'' and select ''No action''. After doing this for each of the three types, click Apply and then OK. This will prevent the OS from asking you if you want to use Bridge or No action -- and end the interference with using LR for this.


    Thank you for the complete instructions. I can now stop Bridge from launching at the same time as LR and perhaps prevent the crashes.

    However, the installation of CS3 removed some choices I would like to have from the Pictures menu. I will poke around the registry some more to see if those choices can be edited. If you know for sure, I would appreciate any information.

    Glad you are sorted Erwin, I use Mac and had not seen you OS before posting.

    Enjoy LR !!

    Erwin, on the Photoshop Windows forum, someone recently said that you can reenable the old choices using Microsoft's TweakUI powertoy. I haven't tried it, though.


    Thank you. I happened to see the references to TweakUI and followed up. I now have my choices back. Bridge doesn't popup automatically, and perhaps LR won't crash any more.


    Can you please explain how you restored the perferences in the 'What do you want Windows to do?' dialog after you downloaded and installed TweakUI?





    Erwin or Dinarius,

    Could you please explain how you got your autorun preferences back using TweakUI? I just installed Lightroom and have this problem.

    The missing autorun options is driving me crazier!



    Hi Holley,

    Just back from a long weekend, hence the delay in replying..apologies.

    Since I have now fixed the problem, I cant remember exactly how I sorted it, because I just stumbled through the various menus until I found the right solution! But, heres what I think I did:

    Open TweakUI.

    Open the drop down menu next to My Computer.

    Click on Handlers.

    In the window next to the menu, highlight Open folder to view files using Windows Explorer.

    Click Edit.

    Tick whichever boxes/tasks you would like to add to this folder. Obviously, the last one, Digital Images, will be one of them!

    Click OK.

    Thats it!

    Note: There is no option to Take no Action. Once you have added any of the menu items, this option is added automatically by TweakUI.

    Now, when you put a card in your card reader, the window should open with the option, Open folder to view files.

    If this isnt working, reply and Ill try again.



    Thanks D, I have been wound pretty tight myself.

    I was able to ''borrow'' another computer that does not have Lightroom or CS3 installed. After opening TweakUI, going to the handlers section, and looking at the boxes checked for each program I was able to get my system working correctly. On the system I looked at several programs had multiple media type boxes checked for a single program.

    It might be a good idea to use the TweakUI program before either Lightroom or CS3 is installed. At least until a fix is added to the installation routines.


    If anyone is interested, I can post a spreadsheet of the associations I found on the ''borrowed'' computer.

    Automatic setting of brightness and...

    I noticed that Lightroom has automatically set the brightness to +50 and contrast to +25 percent on large numbers of my images. I do not recall creating any develop preset that would have caused this to occur. Does anyone know how to turn this function off?
    Automatic setting of brightness and...
    Those are the defaults. If you really want them different, you'll have to create a develop preset with the values you want in there, and apply it on import or to all the images to which you want those values applied.

    Printing: Lightroom and Photoshop

    Ok...so today I tried to run my first print since getting lightroom. Quick run down on my color management (although I am still learning on this subject as well). My monitor is calibrated with an eye one display. My camera (Canon 300D) is set to AdobeRGB profile. I am running an Epson 2400, Ilford Smooth Pearl paper, with the profile provided from Ilford, and have it set to have the printer determine colors. And I am running Lightroom and Photoshop CS2.

    I have been printing with this combonation beautifully for about a year now. I do have one small thing about my setup, even calibrated, my monitor is a little dark, so I must do a small curves adjustment on my final version to get the print to be perfect. I have accepted this (not the newest or best monitor) and just set an action to run before printing.

    So, today, I tried to print from Lightroom. The print came out WAY too dark...I mean, my blue sky is a dark purple...odd. So I said, well I need this print, let me move it to photoshop, drop the curve and print from there. Well...the blue came out blue, but the image is still a little dark...I will play with the curve again to see if I can get it right. I don't have a problem with doing this for now, but I am wondering why the images are darker then they used to be, even in photoshop.

    Also, can I create actions in Lightroom, something like develop presets that I can run AFTER I am done working on an image that we prep the document for print?

    Sorry for the long post...thanks for any help...Printing: Lightroom and Photoshop
    What system? Mac or Win?
    Raw or jpg?Printing: Lightroom and Photoshop
    Oh jeez...I give all kinds of info, and failed to give the basics...

    I shoot RAW, and using Windows XP.
    So...you're using the canned profile from Ilford...and in Lightroom you've added that via ''Other'' correct? When you select that profile you are then using Lightroom color management and then you go into the Epson driver under Properties, Mode Custom and then select Off under Color Management, right? You've also selected the correct media that Ilford reccomends with the Pearl paper?

    If you hit print from there than that should take care of it. Note however that if you change the page template, it _WILL_ change the print output settings making you update to the profile again.

    So far, I get equal output results from Lightroom and Photoshop CS2/3 when using the same profile and printing under Mac or Win. So, if you are _NOT_ getting the same results, your settings are not equal-something somewhere is set incorrectly.
    I should have known it was something simple...I was not choosing the profile in the ''Other'' area...I left it as Let Printer Determine colors. The monitor is still a little dark, so I will have to make the adjustment still, but it works...Thanks for the quick help Jeff!
  • Bounce back error message received from
  • No download/serial number from Adobe's...

    My order still says pending and I cannot print a reciept to get a serial number.

    Just as well I have got the trial version. Seems to work well.

    Anyone else in OZ with same problem? (Hate to think I am alone in all this,)

    No download/serial number from Adobe's...
    Download the trial version at Adobe,com and get working, you can add the serial number later, but be sure to read the Read Me and visit www.lightroomextra.com

    Most of all - ENJOY!!
    No download/serial number from Adobe's...
    Thanks Geoff. I have done all that and successfully migrated the B4.1 library etc.

    Am busy cleaning up my collections. Which was something I have put off doing until now.

    A few web pages to create as well!


    You are not alone, Andrew. I had a similar experience in Norway. My order at the Adobe Online Store does not have a download link, and of course, no serial number. In addition, I didn't get the offer for a backup CD when I ordered the download version.

    Have downloaded the 30-day trial. Hope Adobe gets the Online Stores sorted out this week.


    Same here in the UK. I guess the US have it first. Still same as the rest I have downloaded the trial version. On the store it says the download is 64mb whereas the trial is 20mb. What else is in the download or does it have the PC and Mac versions?



    Same here in Italy. I'm hoping I'll have the chance to receive the email as soon as possible!


    Well I'm another aussie with my order still ''pending''. It's OK since I have downloaded the trial. But I am kinda wondering why I bothered pre-ordering. My order still says ''Pre-order Estimated Availability Date Sunday, February 18, 2007'' :)

    On the bright side, I am liking version 1. Well worth the wait.


    Am I the only person in the continental US whose download link has not yet appeared? I have the trial version and have been using it but I'm just curious about how I will get my serial number.

    No, you are not the only one in America. See my post ''Curious...'' There is no download in my order box and I'm a bit pissed! Why did I bother pre-ordering?

    Question about an icon on the thumbnails

    Lr displays small icons in the thumbnails, +/- for an edited image, a rectancle for a cropped image, 3 horizontal stripes for an image containing IPTC stuff, etc...

    But, on the V 1.0 screenshots, I can see another icon which looks like a paper tag or label. What does it mean ?


    Question about an icon on the thumbnails
    Where is the ''tag'' you see?
    Question about an icon on the thumbnails
    The page curl icon is to indicate it's a Virtual Copy...is that what you mean?

    If you go to the link below, on Sean's blog, there is a screenshot on his article about e-mailing from Lr.

    You can see this icon on all the thumbnails, bottom right, next to the +/- icon .



    Ah ha, that is the keyword tag icon and if clicked opens the keyword dialogue.

    Guess that's why it looks like a label/tag !!

    It means you have keyworded the image.


    Why Lightroom over Bridge?

    I have a couple of days left on my demo version and I am still trying to see the advantage of LR over Bridge. In RAW 4 I can edit multiple files at once too.

    I do like the Web Gallery module but think LR is pricey if that is all I'm going to use.

    I have used the Bridge/PS combo for thousands of photos and I think I must be missing something.
    Why Lightroom over Bridge?

    http://www.oreillynet.com/digitalmedia/blog/2007/03/adobe_photoshop_bridge_cs3_v s.html

    Frankly, I can't seem to get Bridge to do anything useful. I don't have Bridge 2.
    Why Lightroom over Bridge?
    I got it for the ''management'' features in the Library module. The rest is just gravy for me. I'm not a Bridge expert so I can't comment much on it. I do use it occasionally as an image browser, because Lightroom is not an image browser and Bridge is compatible with Lightroom.

    I had done nothing much about cataloging for years. I used a product that could manage a few thousand photos for some of our most important trips, tagging them in there. But we were about to scan in thousands of old slides and I had no way to catalog them all.

    I originally purchased Elements but after a couple of weeks I decided it didn't give me enough flexibility, nor was I confident about its ability to handle many thousands of images. I had looked at Lighroom Beta 4 and had some issues with it. So it was just at the right time that Lightroom V1 was released and it served my needs much better than Beta 4. So at $199, I bought it and I'm quite happy with it.

    Using Bridge,then Camera RAW, then PS hasn't been an efficient workflow for me. LR allows me to stay in one program to organize and select, then develop a group of photos and individual photos,then print.

    I still like Bridge, especially CS3. PS allows for finer control thru selections and layers. Something LR doesn't do, yet.

    I'm productive with the ACR-Bridge-Photoshop workflow. I really don't need Lightroom.

    But I love Lightroom.

    Could be just personal preference, but I've never been completely comfortable with Camera Raw as a modal dialog box that locks you out of the app that hosts it. In Lightroom, the raw controls are at the same level as any other feature, so going back and forth is fast and smooth.

    Lightroom saves an edit history for every image. There is nothing like that in Bridge-ACR; once you exit ACR, there's no history except to reset. Keywording is also far superior in Lightroom, much faster and more flexible and efficient.

    In Bridge's favor, CS3 lets you open two synchronized windows and put one on another monitor, so you can have the thumbnails and metadata in one monitor and a big preview on another monitor.

    Lightroom also saves time at export. With the Bridge-ACR-Photoshop workflow, I use Bridge to set up and run Photoshop processing actions on a number of images. However, I can't start another action until the current one finishes. In Lightroom, I can set up my different export presets (e.g., print, video, web versions) and run multiple exports in parallel, saving a significant amount of time and making great use of all the CPU cores.

    Your decision probably depends on whether you think you'll save enough hourly labor over Bridge to make back Lightroom's price.
  • olay regenerist
  • Lightroom Library Organization

    Hello all.

    I have been a user of Aperture since its release, and have been absolutely in love with the type of workflow optimization software like this affords. When LR hit 1.0, I tried it out, and I have to say it'll be an easy switch. The development tools, coupled with minute details that I can't live without has made Lightroom a clear winner for me.

    There is one catch for me however, and that's strategies for organizing my library. I understand the distinctions in LR's interface, of folders being a physical abstraction of the masters and collections being a logical abstraction of the masters, but what is the best strategy to use?

    Currently in the demo, I have my photographs organized through hierarchical collections (and I'm getting around to keywording everything as well). The actual physical arrangement of the masters is really messy though (some in a high-level photo, some randomly dispersed through subfolders).

    Finally my question(s): Is this approach the best organizational scheme? Also, is there a way to clean up the physical organization of the masters? Lastly, I can do an ''or'' relationship of keywords by clicking on several at a time, is there a more powerful approach to this available? (more boolean logic, conditions--essentially something to mirror the ''smart album'' functionality of Aperture).
    Lightroom Library Organization
    I tend to name my folders, often eschewing dates.(which, for me, is redundant as dates are embedded all over the place)

    I tend to consolidate into fewer folders rather than many, but none have more than 600 images. All my folders resides in ''Pictures'' on my Macs, or in subfolders therein.

    If you aren't too deep into an existing structure, and want to consolidate, one way is to start a nrew library and have photos moved into new folders in a centralized place.

    As to keywords, someone else may answer, as my searches are simple.
    Lightroom Library Organization
    I think it's very important to think very carefully about how you are going to organize your pictures before you start seriously with Lightroom (or any other cataloging program).

    How you catalog clearly depends on who you are cataloging for (if you work for someone else or sell to someone else, you need to work by their rules) as well as the type(s) of photography you do and what you will want to do with the photos.

    Important for me was that the information be (or be able to be written to) the files themselves or ''sidecar'' files. In other words, I didn't want to lose all my work if I switched to another program.

    Because of this, even though I use foldering as an organizational structure, I do not want to rely on that. I want everything I need in the metadata.

    Lightroom allows you to write to quite a number of metadata fields. I use the usual caption, keywords, and location fields. But I also am using another field (Job Identifier) as a higher level category of things I want to keep together. An example would be Egypt 2004, a category that includes all photos taken on our trip to Egypt in 2004. This field is not currently included in the metadata browser, but I am comfortable enough that it can be stored in the metadata in the file so the information is not lost. Until then, I also folder by this category.

    I think it is also important to put some thought into your keyword hierarchy. Although the hierarchy itself is not saved in the file metadata, the keywords are. And there is a feature that shouldn't be overlooked, where a keyword can have its parent to be exported, so you need to pay attention to how you want that option set. I set it differently for different keywords.

    Foldering is not supposed to be important in Lightroom -- and in fact it wasn't in the Beta 4 version. However, I am comfortable working with folders for day to day work so I'm happy that it is now included.

    Collection information is not stored outside of lightroom's database. I use them only for selecting images from a large set, usually for exporting. That could be for web pages, for slide shows, etc.

    You can re-folder from within Lightroom but I haven't done very much of that. Before I import an older folder structure, I do take a look and see if I want to do anything major with it before I import.


    For additional thoughts check out this blog entry. It might prove useful.

    http://www.oreillynet.com/digitalmedia/blog/2007/04/folder_and_file_naming_conve nt.html

    Adding on to this thread, in a slightly different direction.

    Are people using the Library for the RAW, the ''developed'' JPG, or both. If both, how?

    For simplicity sake, let's say I shoot RAW and only use LR to develop to JPG. Sometimes larger for printing, sometimes smaller for email, galleries and other uses. I would like JPGs on hand for quickly finding them, emailing, loading to another program like Photo Story, uploading to the web etc. I don't want to have to recreate JPGs.

    So my NEFs are loaded, tagged, and I cull out the losers, and develop most or all of the winners. Now I have NEF and JPG, but the JPG have been Exported.

    Should I now Import them back in? Can LR do this automatically? Is there a downside to having both NEF and JPG in the library?

    So I am not talking about shooting RAW+JPG, but am talking about RAW plus developed JPGs.

    Any advice or commentary on workflow would be appreciated.

    I'd advise you to check out Peter Krogh's excellent book, The DAM Book, much of which is about this very subject. There's also an associated web site http://www.thedambook.com/ with a very active forum talking about photo organization and management.

    I would hasten to add, though, that Krogh's opinion on how to do this comes from the point of view of a pro shooting tens (hundreds?) of thousads of images per year. If your situation is different, you may come to different conclusions. Still, this is a great resource to help you focus on the issues.

    Thanks Jerry, I have heard of a lot of the ideas in the DAM book and have been through the DAM forum quite a bit, although have not read the book.

    I guess I was looking for a Lightroom specific answer. After you create the JPGs do you catalog both the JPG and original NEF in Lightroom itself?

    If the answer is in the DAM book as you mention, can you at least give me the short version of the answer? I will get the book at some point too.

    Rob, as a professional shooter, not sport, I do this.

    1. import to LR and convert DNG, back up NEF files at the same time and write the NEFs to DVD

    2. If I want jpegs I use the DNG developed files and export to a new folder, sometimes I keep them e.g. if I think I will be making more use like writing extra CD's but usually delete them after initial use as they can easily be generated again. Rarely I will import the jpegs back to LR.

    3. If I work with an image in PS, I edit a PSD and kep it stacked with the original in LR

    Rob OK

    Don't rely on an LR specific answer. LR will not be forever--it will be surpassed by somehting better in the future. Organize for your requirements--generically and conventionally--so that you can easily adapt to improved software as it arrives.

    As Judith said, think carefully first about your requirements.

    I use a folder hierarchy that has about 200,000 images in it. I keep all duplicate images regardless of extension with the same names (for client access reasons). I have also a well planned keywording structure, etc, and I have used this organizational design with a number of DAMs without hassles or without attempting to adjust MY folder hierarchy to any app for many years.

    Obviously, I do not use LR Library at this time because of the duplicate names limitation. I use Bridge and another DAM instead.

    When LR adopts the same standards for filenaming that all other DAMs now have and all other apps now use, I will then consider using the Library function in LR. The point is that there are conventions out there that are ubiquitous--stick with those in your design, especially if you expect your image collection to get large.

    Good to see different opinions out there, I didn't mention that I use keywords for locating files often and I have write to xmp set so files are continuously updated.

    I don't know nuch about other DAM systems but I doubt that they ALL use the same standards as the above post states.

    What I can tell you is this works well for me today and with the info written to files ought to be as forward compatible as possible. Probably better than camera manufacturers raw files !!

    Geoff- [or anyone onna Mac]

    I forget which OS you use, but on my Mac, using Finder search, I cannot locate photos by keywords. Is there a tweak to said Finder search (looked in Prefs, couldn't see it) so that it will comb through the headers and come up with a list?

    John - not that I know of !!

    Also to OP, I often still shift/reorganise in the OS/finder and them just reference again in LR.

    Thanks for the messages back guys. In terms of my requirements -- I use the JPGs the most and once I develop it, I don't go back too much to the NEF.

    In my mental model I imagine having the NEF and resulting JPG be stacked for Library (''Browser'') mode where I could find an image quickly and then drag the found image(s) to email or other program. For me, I would rather have the JPG ready to go than have to regenerate it. The NEF I would rarely go back and do anything with.

    I know everyone is different, but I am thinking about LR as a full life-cycle tool -- I am looking at the ''Search, Locate and Do Something'' phase of my lifecycle.

    Maybe I am thinking about it wrong, should I be thinking ''Find a NEF, generate a new JPG to actually do something with it''?



    Rob, LR uses a ''new'' approach to handling image files. It keeps the master image in its library. Any time you need a derivative (to use the DAM book's nomenclature), you export, for example to JPG. You don't reimport a jpg image that was derived from a master. Instead, you should make a virtual copy of the master and edit it to the point where you want to get a jpg - in this case you export it. Your library just keeps the master file along with the metadata that describes each of the virtual copies. That way you maintain considerably fewer image files and use less disk space.

    Think of LR as a black box of your master images and variations of them. Any time you want an actual image file to do something with it (print, email, etc.), you press the magic button on the box and out comes a derivative that you use outside the black box.

    The only time this paradigm gets sticky is when you want to use a master and generate a derivative outside LR (like using PS). In this case LR wouldn't know about the derivative, so you'd have to import it back into the black box as a new master (even though it is a ''derivative'' of the original master - LR doesn't see it that way). To make things easier, LR uses the ''edit in PS'' or whatever other external app you use to first create a new master and pass that off to the external app. When done there, the revised image is already in LR.

    - Pierre

    PS - I have used the DAM Book methodology in the past, but now find that apps like LR or Aperture (that I used prior to LR) negate some that methodology. I hear the book's author is thinking of rewriting the book (or a different book) to incorporate LR/Ap into the DAM workflow.

    The virtual copies are very nice. Develop snapshots server a similar function. You can have color, B%26amp;W, different crops, etc. simply as develop snapshots in the same file. It seems to work just like virtual copies, except that they don't show as separate images in the library.

    I've pretty much stopped saving extra copies (except backups, of course). When I export to jpg or tiff, I use it and then delete it. Makes for a very clean library.

    I suspect that snapshots, which existed before the virtual copies were incorporated in the final version (or was there a beta that hade VCs, I don'r recall), were Adobe's initial attempt at virtual copies.

    There are no real advantages to keeping anything other than RAW files in your database. LR will create the necessary JPEG's on export automatically.

    I personally have a very simple organizational structure. Here goes:

    - I use the ''My Pictures'' folder as the root folder for everything.

    - I have the import dialog automatically creating a folder with the date in the name.

    - I have the import dialog automatically appending the date to the sequenced file name.

    - I have the import dialog automatically convert to DNG

    If relevant to all the pictures on the memory card, I will add some keywords. Otherwise this is added during the next step for small groups of photos.

    That being said, I wholeheartedly agree it is critical to establish your file structure early and ensure it makes sense as your library grows to 1,000's of photos. One thing I didn't like about PSE5 is that Adobe tried to make it too easy and dumbed down the file structure and made people too dependent on the keywords. I like the fact that LR still uses keywords but keeps the file structure out in the open!



    Thanks Pierre, that was helpful. For me it is hard to get used to not having the JPGs already made.

    I guess in the same way my photography skills grow and mature, my workflow skills will as well.

    Maybe what confuses me is I have a whole lot of older JPGs from before I shot RAW. So the older part of my library is JPG, the newer part of my library is RAW. So on older images, a JPG is a master and newer parts the NEF is the master.

    Doug -- I agree about folder structure. I have a folder structure that currently includes both RAW and derivatives and was expecting all of that to be in LR, but what I am seeing about the DAM / LR approach is that it is expected that I have one folder structure for RAW and either have derivatives outside of LR's view, or only keep them temporarily and delete them.

    I guess for now I will keep my derivatives outside of LR and see how that goes.


    One thing you might consider regarding the raws vs. jpgs - have two libraries defined. I have a whole batch of old jpg images from the past 10 years which I haven't imported. I didn't want to mix the newer raw files, and besides, the older files are generally the typical snapshots, whereas the newer ones have a different purpose. My plan is to import the older stuff into a different library.

    - Pierre

    Pierre, I am considering that too. Good idea. I like having everything in one place though, so I might make two mega-collections (pre-2006 and 2006+ for example). Then when I wanted to restrict a search, it would be as simple as picking one of those ''eras''.

    In an earlier post you mentioned creating JPEG's for printing. Unless you're having another program doing the printing. I wouldn't bother. Being able to develop and print RAW images within LR is a timesaver for me.

    For people use to working with JPEGs it seems like a paradigm shift to go with only RAW.

    Thanks Tim, agreed about the paradigm shift.

    The JPG printing for me is usually through an online service. I have a local image printer but not have spend much time with it yet, but will print from RAW as you suggest.