Something not quite right?
[Standard previews set to 1640 and high quality, and imports referenced to original location]
Rendering standard previews
How long are you letting LR work on the previews before deciding it is done? What makes you think it is done when you say it has not doen them all?
Preview building can take a long time on 'thousands' of images. Where are the originals?
Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.9 %26amp; Win XP, Pentax *ist D
Rendering standard previews
I leave it until the bar at the top left of the screen which says 'rendering previews' has finished and disappeared, and I've also taken to using Task Manager to watch and wait until the cpu activity has reduced to zero. As you say, this can take some time.
If I then scroll through the grid of imported images, I find some that still have three dots, and which slowly disappear one by one as they are rendered. That is very tedious, so I go back to select all, wait for the metadata to be collected as shown by the bar, select 'render standard previews' - a new bar appears saying 'scanning existing previews', and when that has finished it puts up the rendering previews and starts rendering the ones that still had three dots on them. It then eventually finishes and the bar closes, but with the last lot, I had to repeat this three times before it scanned existing previews and then stopped instead of starting the 'rendering previews' bar again. Each time it added some more previews, until they had eventually been done, and there were no images in the grid view with three dots (other than the brief flash of dots as I scroll normally).
I've also got in the habit of clicking on 'all photographs' after opening LightRoom and waiting until Task Manager shows it has finished it's 'housekeeping', before starting any work. This seems to minimise 'Out of Memory' dialogs or 'Not Responding' situations.
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